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CS1000E Rel 6.0-SMG/ SMG's IP Phones unable to redirect

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Apr 28, 2009
Hi everyone,
Sigh....I face another pickle.
I have setup successfully, a main system CS1000E Rel 6.0 (with HA) and the SMG also on Rel 6.0.
There's SIP Virtual Trunks configured (4x) and from both the COTS SS on the Main Site and the SMG site. When I carried out a "vtrkShow" and "SIPGwShow tSSG", they all show the channels established accordingly on both sites.
I checked the NRS, and both the Main Site's endpoint and the SMG's endpoint depict successfully signaling/registration. Route entries have been configured accordingly too.

However, when I register the IP phone on the SMG, it registers successfully, but somehow it fails to redirect and shows "Server Unreachable (1)".
From the IP phone, I utilized it's diagnostics tool and I can ping to both nodes on the Main Site and of course the SMG, I can ping both Call Servers, all the Sig Servers (Main site's Leader/Follower and SMG's Leader).

I have ensured the HLOC and the AC are configured correctly.

From the SMG's SS, I did a "isetShow" and I can see the IP phone sitting there with the status showing Branch Online. But it just fails to redirect and always depicts the "Server Unreachable (1)" statement.

Any ideas anyone pretty please?
I just realised something. As both the systems do not have DNS servers IP address configured on the respective Linux-based COTS servers of the Main system and SMG.
I need to manually put in say....
1) (In the SMG's DNS entry Table) manually enter the Hostname of the Main system to resolve to the IP address of the Main system
2) (In the Main system's DNS entry Table) the Hostname of the SMG to resolve to the IP adddress of the SMG.

Is this the reason why the IP phones registered to the SMG can't redirect properly via SIP to the Main system?
Do you have HLOC DN in the NRS pointing at Main Site?

I presume you have HLOC configured in switch also.

Have you got the database transfer coming across to the SMG?

What happens if you do LD 135 > STAT GR on SMG side, should say deactivated.

Check your SS Common logs (via EM) on boths sides, may be a clue in there.
Thanks sl1input. Below are my replies to your question:

Do you have HLOC DN in the NRS pointing at Main Site? - YES

I presume you have HLOC configured in switch also. - YES

Have you got the database transfer coming across to the SMG? - YES, tested and working well....though the SFTP of the Database is kinda slow where the SMG receives the DB about 15-20 minutes after the successful Geo-Red backup from the Main system.

What happens if you do LD 135 > STAT GR on SMG side, should say deactivated. - Checked out OK.

Check your SS Common logs (via EM) on boths sides, may be a clue in there. - Will check this out.
Shouldnt need the DNS to redirect phones.

Do you have NCS enabled on both endpoints?

In EM you should have configured the SIP/H323/both primary & alternate registration servers i.e. NRS Primary TLAN address. (I pressume you have if endpoints are registered).

Have you the Virtual Trunks built and up? DCH should be established on both main and stby CS.

Have you made the Node ID the same 4 digits at both sides? Your first 3 of 4 digits of Node ID should match.

Shouldnt need the DNS to redirect phones. - Well, the first thought when I saw the IP phones displaying "Server Unreachable (1)", meaning it might not be able to resolve the SIP URI Map, etc because it depends on the DNS resolving the names to the IP address.

Do you have NCS enabled on both endpoints? - Yes.

In EM you should have configured the SIP/H323/both primary & alternate registration servers i.e. NRS Primary TLAN address. (I pressume you have if endpoints are registered).
- Yes, as this system has only SIP Access Ports licenses, only SIP Virtual Trunking is configured. As stated in my first post, I checked the NRS, both endpoints registered successfully via SIP. I checked the both SS's via Linux commmands "vtrkShow" and "SIPGwShow tSSG", all show connections' established.

Have you the Virtual Trunks built and up? DCH should be established on both main and stby CS. - Yes, DCH's established successfully as seen under LD 96/stat dch

Have you made the Node ID the same 4 digits at both sides? Your first 3 of 4 digits of Node ID should match. - Yes, both Node IDs are the same 4 digits as this is the general rule of thumb for CS1000E-SMG setup.
I know what your issue is.

I bet you have configured your endpoint in EM and NRS as SIP only.

Even though you may not be using H323 - configure it in EM and NRS and phones will redirect.
Based on your post I would say it is a Node config issue on your IP phones themselves (since it seems your HA stuff is setup properly.

I am with ktse1210 on this "Have you made the Node ID the same 4 digits on both sides - Your first 3 should match."

Really we have ours setup as 4000 and 4001 but you NEED to use a Relaxed Node config on your IP phones before you enter the TN during setup of each phone. For example you use 400 in our above scenario because then when your Node 4001 (our remote site) goes down or your 4000 (our main site) your phone is looking for 400 so when it reboots it will hit the Node that is up and operational ;)

Best of luck. Hope this helps anyway.

That is not the issue.

ktse1210 has said they are using the same 4 digit node id at each site.

You need to enable h323 in EM and NRS because under h323 gw settings there are fields for Primary Network Connect Server (TLAN) IP Address. This is what the SMG phones use to query the NRS for redirection. NCS should also be ticked in NRS.
Hi guys,
Thanks for your input. Yeah, I found out earlier that eventhough the system is on SIP but the H323 GW settings are still needed as the redirection is reliant on the H323 ID.
This is just another one of the wonders of the Nortel legacy. I just wish they will keep it less confusing.

Thanks once again guys.
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