I use:Crystal reports.net with SQLServer 2000
I have some problems in this formula:
shared stringvar FStart;//The hour when the pause begin;
shared stringvar FEnd; // The hourwhrn pausen ends;
TimeVar SetStart := TimeValue({@HourBeg});// The data field that holds my Start Time;
TimeVar SetEnd := TimeValue({@HourEnd}); // The data field that holds my End Time;
TimeVar StartPause := timevalue(FStart);
TimeVar EndPause := timevalue(FEnd);
What I need is to check if the StartPause and EndPause is between SetStart and SetEnd time value.
I don't find in crystal syntax something like in SQl instruction :
if StartPause between 'SetStart' and 'SetEnd' then
make some calculations
thanks in advance for any ideea!
I have some problems in this formula:
shared stringvar FStart;//The hour when the pause begin;
shared stringvar FEnd; // The hourwhrn pausen ends;
TimeVar SetStart := TimeValue({@HourBeg});// The data field that holds my Start Time;
TimeVar SetEnd := TimeValue({@HourEnd}); // The data field that holds my End Time;
TimeVar StartPause := timevalue(FStart);
TimeVar EndPause := timevalue(FEnd);
What I need is to check if the StartPause and EndPause is between SetStart and SetEnd time value.
I don't find in crystal syntax something like in SQl instruction :
if StartPause between 'SetStart' and 'SetEnd' then
make some calculations
thanks in advance for any ideea!