For some reason, I can't get the following formula to work in Crystal Reports:
if isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby}) and not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.cd_wl_status})
then "On Waiting List"
else if not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby})
then {TMS_CODES.tx_tms_decode}+" for Event #"+cstr({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch},0)
else if isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby})
then "On Standby"+" for Event #"+cstr({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby},0)
else "Not Scheduled"
When I try to validate this formula, I still receive the following message:
"A number, currency amount, boolean or string is expected here"...and the cursor points to this section:
Event #"+|cstr (right before the cstr)
Can you help me figure this out?
jacque harms
if isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby}) and not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.cd_wl_status})
then "On Waiting List"
else if not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby})
then {TMS_CODES.tx_tms_decode}+" for Event #"+cstr({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch},0)
else if isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch}) and not isnull({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby})
then "On Standby"+" for Event #"+cstr({WAITING_LISTS.no_sch_standby},0)
else "Not Scheduled"
When I try to validate this formula, I still receive the following message:
"A number, currency amount, boolean or string is expected here"...and the cursor points to this section:
Event #"+|cstr (right before the cstr)
Can you help me figure this out?
jacque harms