I am preparing a bank discrepancy report that will group the discrancy amounts into groups based on 10.00 dollar increments. It would start at 0 - 10.00 and work its was up to 90.00 - 100.00. I would like to project it over a calendar year and hoped to use a crosstab with the dates(by month) as column headers and the increments as the rows. I want to count teh number of discrepancies.
I am having problems with a formula that will group the discrepancies by dollar value?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am preparing a bank discrepancy report that will group the discrancy amounts into groups based on 10.00 dollar increments. It would start at 0 - 10.00 and work its was up to 90.00 - 100.00. I would like to project it over a calendar year and hoped to use a crosstab with the dates(by month) as column headers and the increments as the rows. I want to count teh number of discrepancies.
I am having problems with a formula that will group the discrepancies by dollar value?
Any help is greatly appreciated.