I am using the below formula in order to pull specific values from my tables. However, When I use the If InStr portion of the formula, the data is then limited to only items that include 'BLK'. How do I get the data to only do the first line if the 'BLK' is true? Otherwise return the normal data results.
If InStr({Material_Req.Material},'BLK')>0 Then ({Material_Req.Est_Qty}*{User_Values_1.Numeric1})/{Job.FG_Transfer_Qty} else
If {Job.FG_Transfer_Qty} <>0 Then {Material_Req.Act_Qty}/{Job.FG_Transfer_Qty}
If InStr({Material_Req.Material},'BLK')>0 Then ({Material_Req.Est_Qty}*{User_Values_1.Numeric1})/{Job.FG_Transfer_Qty} else
If {Job.FG_Transfer_Qty} <>0 Then {Material_Req.Act_Qty}/{Job.FG_Transfer_Qty}