I have a crystal report that I am generating using vb. In my code, when printing the report I suppress certain sections based on criteria the user has chosen. Here's my problem, the report has a NEWPAGEAFTER condition set on one of my groups, however, there are times that I will not need this NEWPAGEAFTER. The condition for my newpageafter is "not onlastrecord" does anyone know of a way to pass this condition to VB? I've tried and the only thing I've been able to do is set the newpageafter to true/false.
Here is an example of what I'm doing:
crxReport.Sections(11).Suppress = True 'GF5
crxReport.Sections(12).Suppress = True 'GF4
crxReport.Sections(13).Suppress = True 'GF3
crxreport.Sections(14).Suppress = False 'GF2
crxReport.Sections(14).NewPageAfter = True
crxReport.Sections(14).BackColor = vbWhite 'set dept footer color to white
I need to set a condition for section(14).newpageafter to read not onlastrecord when newpageafter is set to TRUE.
If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.
I have a crystal report that I am generating using vb. In my code, when printing the report I suppress certain sections based on criteria the user has chosen. Here's my problem, the report has a NEWPAGEAFTER condition set on one of my groups, however, there are times that I will not need this NEWPAGEAFTER. The condition for my newpageafter is "not onlastrecord" does anyone know of a way to pass this condition to VB? I've tried and the only thing I've been able to do is set the newpageafter to true/false.
Here is an example of what I'm doing:
crxReport.Sections(11).Suppress = True 'GF5
crxReport.Sections(12).Suppress = True 'GF4
crxReport.Sections(13).Suppress = True 'GF3
crxreport.Sections(14).Suppress = False 'GF2
crxReport.Sections(14).NewPageAfter = True
crxReport.Sections(14).BackColor = vbWhite 'set dept footer color to white
I need to set a condition for section(14).newpageafter to read not onlastrecord when newpageafter is set to TRUE.
If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.