This should be nothing for someone to answer.
There is no subreport. This report is a main report only.
I have group by employee. I want the cost rate for each hour work. This depends on the type of job this employee does.
Employee cost when training may be charged off at $25.00 an hour but while working with a customer may be charged off at $45.00 an hour. The running total feature can not be used.
I created a variable. This varible is in detail section. Normally I would suppress this. For auditing, I can see it is getting the right answer, (no extra calc) but when it prints in the group, the last calculation is added into the calc again.
currencyvar costrate;
costrate:= costrate + ({tentry.EMHours} * {tentry.EMCostRate})
I tried creating a print only variable and put in the group section. The last record is now in the total when it prints whether I have the p_cost in the group.
currencyvar costrate
I have a reset variable. I have moved it to the group header, group footer and nothing seem to work for me. I have added Whileprintingrecords; to this.
currencyvar costrate;
Thank you for your support and help.
There is no subreport. This report is a main report only.
I have group by employee. I want the cost rate for each hour work. This depends on the type of job this employee does.
Employee cost when training may be charged off at $25.00 an hour but while working with a customer may be charged off at $45.00 an hour. The running total feature can not be used.
I created a variable. This varible is in detail section. Normally I would suppress this. For auditing, I can see it is getting the right answer, (no extra calc) but when it prints in the group, the last calculation is added into the calc again.
currencyvar costrate;
costrate:= costrate + ({tentry.EMHours} * {tentry.EMCostRate})
I tried creating a print only variable and put in the group section. The last record is now in the total when it prints whether I have the p_cost in the group.
currencyvar costrate
I have a reset variable. I have moved it to the group header, group footer and nothing seem to work for me. I have added Whileprintingrecords; to this.
currencyvar costrate;
Thank you for your support and help.