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Crystal Reports 8.5 - The Complete Reference

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Hi All,

I've been going through various threads trying to figure out some things with Crystal/VB6. I have seen a lot of reference made to the above book by George Peck. Well, I went out and bought the book. Here is my review.

The short version: It's a waste of money if you need a reference for programming Crystal in VB. If you really need to waste your money, mail it to me!

The long version: I bought the book after flipping through it, and what I saw in terms of areas covered and sample code...well I thought it would be enough to get me through. Not.

Of the 776 pages, only 125 are actually dedicated to any type of VB development. And those meagre 125 pages do not provide the information really needed. The sample code provided does not seem to work in the real world. Maybe I'm not doing something right (I've been programming in VB for over 5 years now...so I have some idea of how VB works). But as an example, when trying to pass a recordset to a report, Peck recommends using the "SetDataSource" method, defined as:

object.SetDataSource data, DataTag, tableindex.

Ok, say I'm using ADO 2.5, I've created a connection, a command and a recordset object. I make my connection, send my command and assign the results to my recordset, rs. I should be able to use:

Report.SetDataSource rs, 3 ,1


After querying the Crystal Support web page, I got the code I actually needed. You need to pass the connection and the command objects to the report:

Report.Database.AddADOCommand connectionobject, commandobject

Granted, I was using Unbound fields on my report using the VB/Crystal RDC. Peck doesn't do a very good job in describing this part either.

As for subreports....forget it!

I didn't find any reference to linking data between the main and subreports.

Using Memo Fields? If you look in the index for Memo fields, it points to the "crystal" section of the book (all the pages prior to the last 125 pages) and says that Crystal will print memo fields, but you cannot use them in a formula. That's fair. But, how do you deal with a memo field when your data source is dynamic (user can choose from a number of different databases in the same format) and you're using unbound fields in the RDC. If you bind the field from your data source to the unbound string field, you get a "memo fields cannot be used in a formula" error message. It takes a bit of work to figure that one out as well...

In summary, the book is very detailed in regards to creating reports using Crystal 8.5. If you're using standard or professional, no problem. If you want to do development - and not even really push the envelope too much - you're wasting your money on this book. I would recommend going to the Crystal support web page and do searches on the knowledge database --> (
Or, if your money is burning a hole in your pocket you can either a) mail it to me or b) pay an over-priced consultant to do the work for you!

Choose a) ...it's better for me too!
Personally, I think you are being a little hard on George Peck's books. Granted, I am not primarily a VB programer and 90% of my work in Crystal reports involves stand alone reports, but George Peck's books are the best reference books on the subject of creating a Crystal report that you will find...If you want a real treat try reading their manuals back in the days when they supplied a manual with the software.

George Peck's books are full of tidbits of information that you would have trouble finding elswhere.

Yes, the Knowledgebase is a source of information, Crystal Decisions Technical Briefs are another, this website is a goldmine of "shared" knowledge frankly.

BTW...I'd keep the crack about "pay an over-priced consultant" to yourself if you want any of your serious problems addressed here... :)


Thanks for your response.

My point was that the book is GREAT for stand alone reporting...I can't argue with that. There is tons of information if you're using Crystal by itself.

Where it lacks is in the programming section. You can't call a book a "complete" reference if it isn't.

That's all.

I think you are being unfair.

I'm a great fan of the George Peck books, and as VB developer found the 8.0 version invaluable. If you read the introduction in the 8.5 version, you will see the main focus of the new book is the new features in 8.5 - hence the many chapters on Enterprise and web delivery. Something had to make way for that material and a lot of the Vb chapters from the 8.0 book has gone.

That is why I'm keeping both versions on my bookshelf. It is a CR reference and still has more material on VB-CR integration than any Vb book I've got on hand.

Looking forward to Cr9. Editor and Publisher of Crystal Clear
Hi, I am a novice working with Crystal Report 8.5 but I really know how to work with VB6. The problem is that after creating the reports and trying to create the package and deployment a series of errors come out concerning dependency files and DLL.

I just want to know what are the necessary steps to create the final product or a good reference book that talks about the package and deployment, not how to create the reports.

Thank you
Hi PC...

I had the same concern just recently. Timing is everything!

This book does not have the info you're looking for.

But, here's what you need to know:

1. As you're using the deployment wizard and get a number of "dependency files missing" errors...just ignore them. If you look on the crystal support web site, it'll tell you the same thing.

2. If you plan to allow users to export reports from your application, you'll need to look at the "runtime.hlp" file. Do a search on your hard drive for it. You need to look at "export formats" and "export destinations". The first is in regards to what file formats you'll be exporting to (Excel, Word, PDF etc.) and you need to include the listed dlls in your package. The second (destinations) describes if you're going to be sending data to a Notes database, disk file etc. and which dlls you'll need to do that.

Hope that helps!
Well, it's off the original topic but....

Certainly dependency errors can be safely ignored. But only a few. Crystal has a few support articles on those issues.

The Package and Deployment Wizard that comes with VB / Visual Studio is not the most robust tool in the world. If you're looking at a big rollout, consider spending a little money on a better tool like Wise or InstallShield (I prefer Wise).
I agree with the original post in this thread-- for report design, it is a good reference but for application developers is stinks. There is only a cursory glance at integration with Visual Basic, but NOTHING on C++, Delphi or even the COM web integration methods we are currently using.

From a viewpoint of someone who is purely designing a report, it is a good reference. From an application developer's perspective, it is definitely less than the "complete" reference. ggh

I agree totally, its a great book for a report designer, a lousy book for a developer. In fact I think a book for CR developers is a greeat idea, but I do not believe it exists.

Ken Hamady has a good quick reference guide to Crystal and VB that you might check out. Software Training and Support for Macola, Crystal Reports and Goldmine
Hi laki ,

I saw your post dated Mar 27, 2002. In the post you were reffering to problems faced due to memo fields when the data source is dynamic.. I have a some thing similar kind of problem any tips would be of good help..

Here is the problem..

I would like to know how to use Memo datatype fields in the linked multiple recordsets .

The report's datasource is multiple recordsets logical linked to each other. The report is grouped (but not on the memo field). When the report is generated all the other information is shown as desired other than the data in the memo fields. In case of memo field, only the value in the first record keeps repeating in all the records on the report, where as the record seems to be having the correct data.

If the memo field is changed to string (just to test)it works.

Does Crystal report accept memo fileds in multiple recordsets?

Thanks in advance..
- NK

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