I am developing a CR in VB and am having some problems accessing a table (in txt file format) where one of the column contain both numbers and string. See sample txt file below.
Sample txt file.txt
Description, value
Item1, 123
Item2, 456
Item3, Text Description
The CR report I am designing is using unbound fields and both fields (Description and value) are string data type. The SQL query is "select * from file.txt".
When CR tries to access the table, it reported "Seagate Crystal Report: Database errors" with no message. When I clicked OK, the following message appears "Run-time error '-2147192185 (80047287)': SQL server error'. After some investigation, I came to the conclusion when CR is access the data, CR treated the first two as numbers and when reading the third line, found a mismatch and hence the error.
However, if I converted the file to the following, my CR report works like a charm.
Modified txt file.txt
Description, value
Item1, "123"
Item2, "456"
Item3, "Text Description"
I am trying to avoid adding the quotes in, can anyone provide some guidance how I can modify the query or CR?
PS: I have the totext function and it did not work.
Sample txt file.txt
Description, value
Item1, 123
Item2, 456
Item3, Text Description
The CR report I am designing is using unbound fields and both fields (Description and value) are string data type. The SQL query is "select * from file.txt".
When CR tries to access the table, it reported "Seagate Crystal Report: Database errors" with no message. When I clicked OK, the following message appears "Run-time error '-2147192185 (80047287)': SQL server error'. After some investigation, I came to the conclusion when CR is access the data, CR treated the first two as numbers and when reading the third line, found a mismatch and hence the error.
However, if I converted the file to the following, my CR report works like a charm.
Modified txt file.txt
Description, value
Item1, "123"
Item2, "456"
Item3, "Text Description"
I am trying to avoid adding the quotes in, can anyone provide some guidance how I can modify the query or CR?
PS: I have the totext function and it did not work.