Error: CRAXDRT Error Occured on Server: -2147190908: Failed to export the report.
Getting the above error while trying to export from an ASP application (Crystal 8) to Excel. I have tried everything I have come accross so far including re-registering some of the dll's, copying some of asp files to application directory. What is most puzzling to me is that the export to excel does work for some of my users, but not for others. For myself it works from one of my machines, but not from the other. Both have same version of Office and Internet Explorer. However export options has "Excel 5.0 Document" in the one which works, but has "Microsoft Excel" in the one which does not work. Any Ideas ?
Getting the above error while trying to export from an ASP application (Crystal 8) to Excel. I have tried everything I have come accross so far including re-registering some of the dll's, copying some of asp files to application directory. What is most puzzling to me is that the export to excel does work for some of my users, but not for others. For myself it works from one of my machines, but not from the other. Both have same version of Office and Internet Explorer. However export options has "Excel 5.0 Document" in the one which works, but has "Microsoft Excel" in the one which does not work. Any Ideas ?