Have a question about running Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (32 bit) V25 as it pertains to using Dynamic Parameters in creating a Crystal Report. The runtime engine is used in the software we use to generate canned reports. When we create a report that contains a Dynamic Parameter it reads all of the records in the parameter when we run outside of the accounting software program (i.e. the designer). When we go to run the report in our program the parameter records are broken up in "buckets"(for lack of a better word). So instead of seeing one long list of the records available we only see a certain amount per "bucket". We have made the appropriate registry changes(re LOV) and have created the system environment variable change to include BOE_CRLOVMAXSIZE. None of these have worked when trying to run the report in our software. The records always are separated by these "buckets". Is there a switch or setting in the runtime software that can be changed to view all of the records? Hope this makes sense. Thank you for any input you can provide.