My Clients have a 4th Dimension application that uses Crystal XI for reporting. Each time they want to run a report a vb script is created beginning as follows
Const crEDTDiskFile=1
Const crEFTPortableDocFormat = 31
Dim CRViewer1
Set CRViewer1=CreateObject("CrystalReports11.ActiveXReportViewer.1")
Dim objAppl
Dim objReport
Dim CRbalance
Set objAppl=CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11")
Set objReport=objAppl.OpenReport("C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents\Reports\Sales Ledger\MarginReport.rpt")
<snip>plus more lines passing parameters etc</snip>
Now one of the users has a new computer, and the script is failing at the CRViewer1=... line
I suspect something needs to be installed on his new computer - where can I find it?
Const crEDTDiskFile=1
Const crEFTPortableDocFormat = 31
Dim CRViewer1
Set CRViewer1=CreateObject("CrystalReports11.ActiveXReportViewer.1")
Dim objAppl
Dim objReport
Dim CRbalance
Set objAppl=CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11")
Set objReport=objAppl.OpenReport("C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\My Documents\Reports\Sales Ledger\MarginReport.rpt")
<snip>plus more lines passing parameters etc</snip>
Now one of the users has a new computer, and the script is failing at the CRViewer1=... line
I suspect something needs to be installed on his new computer - where can I find it?