I have the following code that works great (thanks Duane). I get columns such as "Declined Jan", "Obtained Jan", etc. However, my Link_Total doesn't have the month, which I need. Any ideas?
TRANSFORM Count([Qry_Orig].[Link]) AS [CountOfLink]
SELECT [Qry_Orig].Month, [Qry_Orig].Branch, [Qry_Orig].[Hospital], Count([Qry_Orig].[Link]) AS [Link_Total]
FROM [Qry_Orig]
GROUP BY [Qry_Orig].Month, [Qry_Orig].Branch, [Qry_Orig].[Hospital]
PIVOT [Qry_Orig].Consent & [Qry_Orig].Month;
My goal: I have a report with columns Jan-Dec and I get the appropriate total under the appropriate month. I looked at FAQ 703-5466; but, my months need to be static. New to SQL, it looked to me as if this FAQ would show the "last 12 months".
TRANSFORM Count([Qry_Orig].[Link]) AS [CountOfLink]
SELECT [Qry_Orig].Month, [Qry_Orig].Branch, [Qry_Orig].[Hospital], Count([Qry_Orig].[Link]) AS [Link_Total]
FROM [Qry_Orig]
GROUP BY [Qry_Orig].Month, [Qry_Orig].Branch, [Qry_Orig].[Hospital]
PIVOT [Qry_Orig].Consent & [Qry_Orig].Month;
My goal: I have a report with columns Jan-Dec and I get the appropriate total under the appropriate month. I looked at FAQ 703-5466; but, my months need to be static. New to SQL, it looked to me as if this FAQ would show the "last 12 months".