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Crosstab Queries Driving Me Crazy!! 1

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Nov 12, 2001
I have created a crosstab query that summarises data for each of my company's customers. Each customer has one row and a number of columns representing another field.

I want to display the crosstab on a report for printing purposes and this is where my difficulties start!

If each of the columns has at least one value everything works fine, but if a particular column has no records that fall into that summary category the column is not displayed and on opening the report I get the error message "Microsoft Access Jet database engine does not recognice [X] as a valid field name or expression." (X being the name of the column that is not displayed.).

Somebody please help me with this. It is driving me to despair. I promise to vote you lots of purple stars!!

Ed Metcalfe.
There are a couple of ways round this but it depends on the nature of your column headings. If you have a report which handles all the possibilities I'll assume there are a manageable number of summary categories. You can fix your problem using the "Column Headings" property in the crosstab query. As an example, suppose you had a weekday report where there might be data on one or more days. Set the ColumnHeadings property to be "Monday","Tuesday",etc.
This forces the crosstab to return values for all columns.
NB - you have to make sure that your query returns values that exactly match this list.

Hope this helps....
Mike T
I had hair before cross tabs, I'm bald now.
You might try making a MakeTable Query using the CrossTab query as the source (a query of a query). Run your report from the resulting MakeTable.
did you try to insert a null value in your field instead of leaving it blank? so you won't receive the error msg.

I know it's how I solved a few problems last time I worked with cross tables.

hope this help
I have a report that is pretty helpful when dealing with xtab queries. It's a "generic" report, simply call a procedure, pass in a title for the report, and the xtab query name as parameters, and it opens it in a report. This might fix your problems--I haven't used it in a couple of years, but I believe it would make your life with xtab queries a bit more bearable.

Please let me know if you want a copy of it...

Try this: Go into the SQL view of your query and add the last line as follows:

PIVOT tbPriceGroup.nr In ("SGS","GS","CGS","CLGS LFO","CLGS HFO");

where the list of the fields in parentheses are the columns you want displayed, whether they contain data or not.

just to further clarify my example...my column headings are various values of the PriceGroup table. I want them to show whether they have any data or not. So I explicity name them in the last line of the query SQL as:

PIVOT <nameoftable.columnname> in (&quot;<listofvaluesyourlooking forwhetherthey'reemptyornot>&quot;)

So say you're looking for the account balances for each of your customers, and some don't have a particular account:

your TRANSFORM sql with the last line:
PIVOT tblCustomerAccounts.Balance in (&quot;Chequing&quot;,&quot;Savings&quot;);
Thanks to everybody who has replied.

Jeff - Could you send me a copy of that report please? - ed_metcalfe_work@hotmail.com

Ed Metcalfe.
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