I'm using Crystal 12.1 with a SQL database. The data itself is perfect. I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to display it the way I want and I don't know if it's even possible in a crosstab report.
The columns are sorting chronologically (Jan 2012, Feb 2012, Mar 2012, ... Jan 2013, Feb 2013). I think I need some kind of custom sort (Jan 2012, Jan 2013, Feb 2012, Feb 2013, Mar 2012, etc). Is there some way to sort the columns to get this result?
Thanks in advance!
The columns are sorting chronologically (Jan 2012, Feb 2012, Mar 2012, ... Jan 2013, Feb 2013). I think I need some kind of custom sort (Jan 2012, Jan 2013, Feb 2012, Feb 2013, Mar 2012, etc). Is there some way to sort the columns to get this result?
Thanks in advance!