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Cross Tab advice - data from 2 tables

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Feb 15, 2002
I have to create a report where there is information to be summarized from 1 of two tables:

TblMaster_Schedule (1 to 1)-> TblMaster_Day
TblMaster_Schedule (0 to n)-> TblSpot_Changes

For the crosstab:
The rows run off of The Location field in the TblMaster_schedule table and the columns run off The Sequence field in the TblMaster_Day table. If a record corresponding to the Location and Sequence in those tables exists in the TblSpot_Changes table then I want to show that, otherwise I want to show the info from the TblMaster_Day table. I am having problems especially due to the 0,n relationship on the TblSpot_changes table.

Any advice would help, a crosstab is not a requirement but it is the way I thought everything would work the best.
First, create an equal join from TblMaster_Schedule ->TblMaster_Day and a left join from TblMaster_Schedule -> TblSpot_Changes. Use a crosstab, with TblMaster_Schedule.Location for the row, and TblMaster_Day.Sequence as the column. Create a formula something like this to use for the field to summarize:

if not isnull({TblSpot_Change.field}) then{TblSpot_Changes.field} else
{TblMaster_Day.field}//substitute your fields and then determine the appropriate summary for the crosstab.

This might get you close to what you're looking for.

lbass, Thanks for the response. What you posted is the exact setup I have right now but there is a further complication. The data summarized describes the Item Type being delivered to a customer. I need to output the Highest ranking item, which is ranked based on it's type. I made a Formula Field that converts the Type column of the table to a numeric Rank but I am not allowed to place this in the CrossTab for some reason(it doesn't show up as an option). How can I go about summarizing this Text field with a crosstab summary? Any ideas are much appreciated.
What is the formula you used for the ranking? What is the exact layout of the crosstab--this is the first you've mentioned a "type" column and I wonder how that fits with the sequence and location fields that you mentioned earlier. A visual representation of how you would like the crosstab to look would help.

I appreciate all the responses but I got it to work.

The Tables:
TblMaster_Schedule -> TblMaster_Day
TblMaster_Schedule -> TblSpotChanges

The TblSpotChanges is a duplicate of the TblMaster_Day table. Both contain the fields fkMaster_Schedule linking a daily schedule to a master loction. SpotChanges are alterations to a regular schedule. If there is a spot change then I want to show that value, otherwise show the MasterDay value.

To fix the crosstab I changed the linking expert:
TblMaster_Schedule -> TblMaster_Day
TblMaster_Day -> TblSpotChanges (instead of linking to the master schedule)

The ranking of items to show in the crosstab was easier than I expected. I used a SELECT CASE statement in a formula to assign a numeric value based on the Type field in the MasterDay and SpotChanges table(Feed=1, BOX=2...) I sorted the records by that and created a formula field in the header of my group that contains the Type for the first record in the group based on the Custom Numeric Sorting. This is what I placed in the crosstab and the results were exactly what I wanted. The key was linking the TblSpotChanges table to the TblMasterDay table instead of the TblMAster_Schedule.
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