Greeting all, im having a small problem making my site comptable with NS6. Ive found making this site compatable has been easier, than compatiblity between IE and NS4, but right at the death i have come across a little problem.
The problem arises, that on my site i have a series of onLoad events attached to a series of images, the function of which is to re-size the tables and images for different screen sizes. It all works well does the re-sizing, but when you use the back or forward buttons on NS6, the onLoad events on the images fails to enforce. Any ideas why or how to get around this. Also has anyone coem across this as well?
The problem arises, that on my site i have a series of onLoad events attached to a series of images, the function of which is to re-size the tables and images for different screen sizes. It all works well does the re-sizing, but when you use the back or forward buttons on NS6, the onLoad events on the images fails to enforce. Any ideas why or how to get around this. Also has anyone coem across this as well?