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Tips on applying html/css on php loop functions

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Jun 15, 2017

I've been doing admin panel for property listing page using php,codeigniter, html, css & javascript using bootstrap.

I'm done with basic design and function for my admin panel.
But this time I want to explore more because my layout is not user friendly.

I want to list a property so I have a lot of fields to fill-up. In my layout since I have a lot of fields I need to do scroll page.Check my sample screenshot

as you can see my scroll bar is too long.

So I'm thinking that I should use nav-tabs or like form wizard to save space for my page.

Anyone can have tutorial/tips on how to make formwizard or nav-tabs if you use foreach/if else function for your fields?

On my foreach I have CATEGORY and Fields.
So on each field have a parent.

-Purpose (Fields)
-Property type (Fields)
-Description (Fields)

Building Info (CATEGORY)
-Building Name(Fields)

Reference Code:

                                        <?php foreach($options as $key_option=>$val_option):?>
                                        $required_text = '';
                                        $required_notice = '';
                                        if($val_option->is_required == 1)
                                            $required_text = 'required';
                                            $required_notice = '*';
                                        $max_length_text = '';
                                        if($val_option->max_length > 0)
                                            $max_length_text = 'maxlength="'.$val_option->max_length.'"';
                                        <?php if($val_option->type == 'CATEGORY'):?>
                                        <hr />
                                        <h5><?php echo $val_option->option?> <span class="checkbox-visible"><?php echo form_checkbox('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, '	true', set_value('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, isset($estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key})?$estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key}:''), 'id="inputOption_'.$key.'_'.$val_option->id.'"')?> <?php echo lang_check('Hidden on preview page'); ?></span></h5>
                                        <hr />
                                        <?php elseif($val_option->type == 'INPUTBOX' || $val_option->type == 'DECIMAL' || $val_option->type == 'INTEGER'):?>
                                            <div class="form-group <?php echo (!$val_option->is_frontend && $this->session->userdata('type') == 'AGENT_LIMITED'?' hidden':'') ?>">
                                                <label class="col-lg-3 control-label"><?php echo $required_notice.$val_option->option?> <?php if(!empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->hint)):?><i class="icon-question-sign hint" data-hint="<?php echo $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->hint;?>"></i><?php endif;?></label>
                                              <div class="<?php echo empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->prefix)&&empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->suffix)?'col-lg-9':'col-lg-6'; ?>">
                                                <?php echo form_input('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, set_value('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, isset($estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key})?$estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key}:''), 'class="form-control '.$val_option->type.'" id="inputOption_'.$key.'_'.$val_option->id.'" placeholder="'.$val_option->option.'" '.$required_text.' '.$max_length_text)?>
                                              <?php if(!empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->prefix) || !empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->suffix)): ?>
                                              <div class="col-lg-3">
                                                <?php echo $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->prefix.$options_lang[$key][$key_option]->suffix?>
                                              <?php endif; ?>
                                        <?php elseif($val_option->type == 'DROPDOWN'):?>
                                            <div class="form-group <?php echo (!$val_option->is_frontend && $this->session->userdata('type') == 'AGENT_LIMITED'?' hidden':'') ?>">
                                              <label class="col-lg-3 control-label"><?php echo $required_notice.$val_option->option?>  <?php if(!empty($options_lang[$key][$key_option]->hint)):?><i class="icon-question-sign hint" data-hint="<?php echo $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->hint;?>"></i><?php endif;?></label>
                                              <div class="col-lg-9">
                                                    $drop_options = array_combine(explode(',',check_combine_set(isset($options_lang[$key])?$options_lang[$key][$key_option]->values:'', $val_option->values, '')),explode(',',check_combine_set($val_option->values, isset($options_lang[$key])?$options_lang[$key][$key_option]->values:'', '')));
                                                    $drop_options = array();

                                                // If you don't want translation to admin interface langauge uncomment this 1 line below:
                                                // $drop_options = array_combine(explode(',', $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->values), explode(',', $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->values));

                                                $drop_selected = set_value('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, isset($estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key})?$estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key}:'');
                                                echo form_dropdown('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, $drop_options, $drop_selected, 'class="form-control" id="inputOption_'.$key.'_'.$val_option->id.'" placeholder="'.$val_option->option.'" '.$required_text)
                                                <?php //=form_dropdown('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, explode(',', $options_lang[$key][$key_option]->values), set_value('option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key, isset($estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key})?$estate->{'option'.$val_option->id.'_'.$key}:''), 'class="form-control" id="inputOption_'.$val_option->id.'" placeholder="'.$val_option->option.'"')?>
PS: I can make nav-tabs but using bootstrap if I do it manually but I having trouble applying when I use foreach.



Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Time flies like an arrow, however, fruit flies like a banana.

Never mind this jesus character, stars had to die for me to live.
ChrisHirst said:

And how is that going to help?

Making tabs is entirely HTML, CSS design. It has nothing all to do with PHP processing the forms. The most it would be involved in, is to output the HTML using echo statements. Everything else is down to CSS and maybe JS.

Anyway, if you need to make tabs, You can have hidden divs with the content you wish to display on each tab. and set the visibility or display properties for each div to be hidden, and only show them when the tab link is clicked.

You will need to modify your foreach statement to output the correct HTML for the tabs, and then have CSS hide the non visible tabs. You can also use JS to control what gets shown.

Your foreach loop, can be set to output a certain number of fields or end at each category, and then close the specific tab div, and start a new one.

[b]<div class='blanktab'>"[/b]
<?php foreach($options as $key_option=>$val_option):?>
                                        $required_text = '';
                                        $required_notice = '';
                                        if($val_option->is_required == 1)
                                            $required_text = 'required';
                                            $required_notice = '*';
                                        $max_length_text = '';
                                        if($val_option->max_length > 0)
                                            $max_length_text = 'maxlength="'.$val_option->max_length.'"';
                                        <?php if($val_option->type == 'CATEGORY'):?>
[indent][/indent][indent][/indent][indent][b]</div>[/b]<!--Close opened div from last Category-->[b]<div class="tab">[/b]<!-- Open new tab div -->[/indent]

Then after your foreach is completed, close the last category tab div.

<?php }//closing for each ?>
[b]</div>[/b]<!-- close last category div -->

Beyond that, its all going to be CSS, and a bit of JS to control what tab is visible.

Something simple like this, may work for you:

Phil AKA Vacunita
OS-ception: Running Linux on a Virtual Machine in Windows which itself is running in a Virtual Machine on Mac OSx.

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