As a general rule, it's not good practice to edit the crontab directly using crontab -e in case of slipups and typos which would cause the crontab not to work thereafter.
That said, we all do it! However, for safety it's best to do:
crontab -l > crontemp
edit crontemp to make your change
crontab crontemp - to activate the change.
If there are errors, the crontab won't be changed and you'll be warned that this is the case. Just re-edit crontemp until the change is accepted.
I dont like to use crontab -e to edit my cron files. What I do is vi it manually, then you have to stop and restart the cron to make your changes. vi /var/spool/cron/crontabs/username - make changes
/etc/init.d/cron stop && /etc/init.d/cron start
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