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Creation of Knowledge Database 1

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Technical User
Jun 19, 2001
Has anyone tried to create a knowledge database using Microsoft Access? I have found some software (called General Knowledge Base 2.0) that appears to use Access, but the project I am working on has no budget and I doubt I will be able to spend any money for any purchased product.

I need to create a storage repository for various types of information, such as survey responses, as well as (attempt to) store templates of Word and Excel documents. Also, can an FAQ function be built, where questions and answers can be posted and searched?

I know such databases exist, but I have no idea if I can accomplish this with Access. It's the only tool I have, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

I find Access is a great tool for use as a knowledge base.

The design is fairly simple, but you have to decide on how to find your "answers".

I create categories and subcategories. You may also want to track owners, subject matter experts, review dates, flag out-of-date documentaiton, etc.

You have to decide if your knowledge is "linear" - a typical drill-down approach, or "non-linear" where various subjects are accessible from different perspectives.

Aside from the "classisfication" of the data in the meaningfull way, Access provides three useful tools - memo field where you can enter up to 64k of data, and hyperlinks. To avoid "blot", I prefer to use hyperlinks to link to external documents.

The third tool is QBE, or query by example.

Your design will really depend on your needs. Here is a starter kit...

CatCode - text, 8 or 15 or xx characters
CatSubCode - text, as above
Comments - memo field to describe Code / SubCode

primary key is CatCode + CatSubCode

This apparently simple design actually has some umph! Because it actually allows you to drill down.
CatCode CatSubCode

MAIN Hardware
MAIN Software
MAIN Procedure
MAIN Network
MAIN Expertize
MAIN ErrorCodes
MAIN Subjects
Hardware Printer
Hardware Workstation
Hardware Peripheral
Hardware Server
Software Workstation
Software Server
Expertize 1 Sub Expert
Expertize 2 Expert
Expertize 3 Certified
Expertize 4 Experience
Subjects Novell
Subjects NT
Subjects Lotus
Subjects Network
How To Hardware
How To Software
How To Network

I have found this simple table to replace numerous support tables with minimal maintenance - two tables (single and contineous forms) and OpenArgs.

The table stores categories for search types, how to documentation, levels of subject knowledge, error codes.

Next, storing the data.

DocID - primary key
DocOwnerID - foreign key to contact / owner table
DocTitle - Title of document
DocSearch - keyword search area
DocText - Memo field
DocLink - Hyperlink

Note that you can use the hyperlink field to link to a document that contains other links.

Other stuff

ContactID - primary key
ContactLN - last name
ContactFN - first name

SubjectExperts (many-to-many)
ContactID - foreign key to contact table
Subjects - link to Subjects in Category table
Expertize - link to Expertize in Category table

Note that with Access 2000 and above, the first 255 characters of the memo field are searchable. Previously, memo fields were not searchable. There are limits to Access - it is not a heavy weight database.

I use this apporach for...
- ISO documentation
- Site Admin Manual
and more

Obviosuly, the "knowledgebase" requries work - the data had to be entered correctly.

This is just the "starter" kit - obviously, you would have to tweak it to meet your needs.

Thank you so much for the information. This will be very helpful as a starting point!
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Part and Inventory Search

