Using CR8.5.
I have a line chart which is based on a cross-tab which displays data over a period of time for several different categories. The problem is that there can be upwards of 60 different categories, including user-defined category names. I'd like to be able to show only the top N (probably 10-15) categories in the chart, with the rest grouped together as "Other". I haven't seen any way to sort the categories (columns in the crosstab) based on the value of the summary field, and checking "suppress empty columns" only suppresses the columns in the crosstab, not the chart based upon it.
Data is in the table as:
timestamp coltitle, count1, count2
crosstab uses timestamp for row title, coltitle for column titles and the two counts are the summary data fields.
What I want is one chart per day, with hour of day across the bottom, with one line for each of the top 10-15 categories for either count1 or count2.
Am I missing something easy, or am I going to have to use something besides a crosstab to get the results I want. I haven't figured out how to get even the chart I have without using the crosstab.
I have a line chart which is based on a cross-tab which displays data over a period of time for several different categories. The problem is that there can be upwards of 60 different categories, including user-defined category names. I'd like to be able to show only the top N (probably 10-15) categories in the chart, with the rest grouped together as "Other". I haven't seen any way to sort the categories (columns in the crosstab) based on the value of the summary field, and checking "suppress empty columns" only suppresses the columns in the crosstab, not the chart based upon it.
Data is in the table as:
timestamp coltitle, count1, count2
crosstab uses timestamp for row title, coltitle for column titles and the two counts are the summary data fields.
What I want is one chart per day, with hour of day across the bottom, with one line for each of the top 10-15 categories for either count1 or count2.
Am I missing something easy, or am I going to have to use something besides a crosstab to get the results I want. I haven't figured out how to get even the chart I have without using the crosstab.