I have a string that I want to save to an rtf file, but I want the words (or groups of words) to have colors associated with them. I would like to then be able to open up the rtf file in a rich text box control and display the formated, colored text to the user. I have a routine that formats text already in the richtext box, but this is not what I am looking for. This is a log file process, so the user will periodically upon up the log and view the contents.
Are there any better suggestions to accomplish this task.
Ideally I am looking to pass a string to the logging function along with the color and it then appends it to the log file.
Any ideas? Troy Williams B.Eng.
Are there any better suggestions to accomplish this task.
Ideally I am looking to pass a string to the logging function along with the color and it then appends it to the log file.
Any ideas? Troy Williams B.Eng.