Hello to the very knowledgeable TekTippers. We have our intranet set up on a Drupal backend and have for well before I signed on with the company. It's fine, it does the job for the most part. IT has to be the one who makes any changes to it since most people do not have even a basic HTML coding knowledge which is fine. Since IT is usually busy with more important things than making sure someone is recognized with the birthday congrats on the intranet front page, management would like us to shop a new intranet that is so user friendly almost anyone can keep it up to date. Does anyone have a recommendation on what backend to use that would be super friendly to someone in our business ops dept? I've been googling around but the majority of stuff now days seems to be cloud based and I would rather keep it in house as it has sales figures and some other semi private info. Does anyone have any productive thoughts on this request? Anyone able to vouch for a certain software that could do the trick? Free or paid makes no difference. Just need to find something that might fit the ask.
Learning - A never ending quest for knowledge usually attained by being thrown in a situation and told to fix it NOW.
Learning - A never ending quest for knowledge usually attained by being thrown in a situation and told to fix it NOW.