What is the "Best Practice" to create multiple accounts for one user and then they in turn can select which account to send mail from?
User A = usera@anycomp.com
needs to receive mail and reply to mail as User A, PLUS needs to be able to receive and reply as custsrvc@anycomp.com as necessary.
I've tried creating an AD object with mailbox and assigning permissions for User A, then setting up User A to open the mailbox and having User A use the "From" line in Outlook to designate the custserv@anycomp.com account. It works, however it seems rather clumsy to have to specify that account everytime when they need to respond as custserv@anycomp.com.
Is there a better way? What could I do to make it better? Am I making it too complicated?
Thank you for any suggestions.
User A = usera@anycomp.com
needs to receive mail and reply to mail as User A, PLUS needs to be able to receive and reply as custsrvc@anycomp.com as necessary.
I've tried creating an AD object with mailbox and assigning permissions for User A, then setting up User A to open the mailbox and having User A use the "From" line in Outlook to designate the custserv@anycomp.com account. It works, however it seems rather clumsy to have to specify that account everytime when they need to respond as custserv@anycomp.com.
Is there a better way? What could I do to make it better? Am I making it too complicated?
Thank you for any suggestions.