- Apr 10, 2001
- 1,316
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just can't figure out how to create context-sensitive help for a form. No matter what I do, I get the following error:
HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [MAP] section.
I'm using the HTML Help Workshop that came with VFP 7.0. I looked up the Help file that comes with it, and supposedly found a step-by-step on how to do it. It is under:
Creating Help
-> Hook Up Help to a Program
-> Creating Context-Sensitive Help
-> Example: Creating Context-Sensitive Pop-up Help
This page gives 4 steps with details on each step:
1) Create a text file for pop-up help topics.
No problem. I created a text file called "test.txt" with this content:
This button does something cool.
2) Create a header file.
Ok, again, easy. I made "test.h" with this content:
3) Create a [TEXT POPUPS] section in your project file.
Simple enough. The instructions tell you to go into the API information window, select the Text Popups tab, and add the text and header files to the list.
4) Include a header file in your project file.
This is where I am stuck. The details say to go into the API Information window again, go to the Map tab, click the Header File button, and "Locate the header (.h) file you want to include". Umm...what header file? The only header file I know of is the one I created in step 2, so I tried that one and it doesn't work.
What header file am I supposed to include here? Is there something else I'm doing wrong?
HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [MAP] section.
I'm using the HTML Help Workshop that came with VFP 7.0. I looked up the Help file that comes with it, and supposedly found a step-by-step on how to do it. It is under:
Creating Help
-> Hook Up Help to a Program
-> Creating Context-Sensitive Help
-> Example: Creating Context-Sensitive Pop-up Help
This page gives 4 steps with details on each step:
1) Create a text file for pop-up help topics.
No problem. I created a text file called "test.txt" with this content:
This button does something cool.
2) Create a header file.
Ok, again, easy. I made "test.h" with this content:
3) Create a [TEXT POPUPS] section in your project file.
Simple enough. The instructions tell you to go into the API information window, select the Text Popups tab, and add the text and header files to the list.
4) Include a header file in your project file.
This is where I am stuck. The details say to go into the API Information window again, go to the Map tab, click the Header File button, and "Locate the header (.h) file you want to include". Umm...what header file? The only header file I know of is the one I created in step 2, so I tried that one and it doesn't work.
What header file am I supposed to include here? Is there something else I'm doing wrong?