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Creating context-sensitive help

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Apr 10, 2001
I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just can't figure out how to create context-sensitive help for a form. No matter what I do, I get the following error:
HH_HELP_CONTEXT called without a [MAP] section.
I'm using the HTML Help Workshop that came with VFP 7.0. I looked up the Help file that comes with it, and supposedly found a step-by-step on how to do it. It is under:

Creating Help
-> Hook Up Help to a Program
-> Creating Context-Sensitive Help
-> Example: Creating Context-Sensitive Pop-up Help

This page gives 4 steps with details on each step:

1) Create a text file for pop-up help topics.

No problem. I created a text file called "test.txt" with this content:

This button does something cool.

2) Create a header file.

Ok, again, easy. I made "test.h" with this content:


3) Create a [TEXT POPUPS] section in your project file.

Simple enough. The instructions tell you to go into the API information window, select the Text Popups tab, and add the text and header files to the list.

4) Include a header file in your project file.

This is where I am stuck. The details say to go into the API Information window again, go to the Map tab, click the Header File button, and "Locate the header (.h) file you want to include". Umm...what header file? The only header file I know of is the one I created in step 2, so I tried that one and it doesn't work.

What header file am I supposed to include here? Is there something else I'm doing wrong?

Hello Chpicker, days ago I was working on .CHM Online Help. I received the same message and looking for solutions found the file SLNHLPR.ZIP(or similar name) in the CD of Visual Studio and it has an example that solve my problem. I will explain the solution of the problem.

.h File : Text file contain the Text Identification and Context ID.
Ex. #define Login 100

.ali File : Text file that contain the alias name(Identical name that you define in the .h file) and the name of the .html page that you want to display.
Ex. Login=<path name>/login.htm (login.htm is the name of of the HTML file). This file will be included in the same section where include the .h file.

I solve my problem including .ali file into the project.

I am in Home, I will write tomorrow if I forgot somehing.

Best regards from Panama,

I had searched the forums before posting and ran into a reference to that as well, but it didn't help. The SLNHLPR.ZIP file wasn't anywhere on my system. I double checked the install for VFP 7.0 and I have all features installed.

I will try experimenting with the .ali file, but I don't have any HTML files in just yet. At this point all I want to do is make &quot;what's this&quot; style pop-up help.

Thanks for the tip, I'll see if it helps.

Sorry Ian, I found the file in Microsoft. The article is 195613 from Knowledge Base articles. If you didn't find, please send me your email an I send the zip file.

I was the same error days ago and I nobody tell me how solve this problem, everybody said &quot;is fancy do that&quot;.

Best regards form Panama,

Hello Ian, I found WHATTHISHELP.EXE with examples and Code for VFP6.0 or later. Please send me your email and I send you the .ZIP file.

PD. I review the HTML HELP WORKSHOP Projet and it use HTML pages to display the popup with whatthishelp.

Best regards from Panama.
Hey Marlon...that would be great, send it to chpicker AT hotmail DOT com.

Thanks again!
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