I have never created an array before but I know enough to know that I probably need to create one now. Unfortunately the problem I have does not seem like a beginner array problem. Access XP
I have fields on a form called
txtpast01, txtjan200601, ...txtdec200701, txtfuture01
txtpast08, txtjan200608, ...txtdec200708, txtfuture08
The number at the end of the field name associate the date fields to fields called txtfunc01 through txtfunc08.
If txtfunc01 is null then no month/year fields for the 01 row need to be filled out and so on.
I want to create a button when clicked automatically enters values into the month/year fields for the rows that have the txtfunc filled out.
There is a field called "Estimated Start Date" which determines what month/year field the values should start on.
There is a field called "duration" which says how many month/year fields past the estimated start date data should be entered.
There is also a reference table called "tbldur" which contains fields called "duration", "m", "m1" ... "m25". The duration can be linked to the duration referenced in the form and the "m" fields contain values which can fill the month/year fields in.
What should happen on click would be if Estimated Start Date is "10/1/2007" and duration is 6 and only txtfunc01 is filled in then txtoct200701 = m1, txtnov200701 = m2, txtdec200701 = m3, txtfuture01 = m4 + m5 + m6.
Please help. I have no idea how to do this.
I have never created an array before but I know enough to know that I probably need to create one now. Unfortunately the problem I have does not seem like a beginner array problem. Access XP
I have fields on a form called
txtpast01, txtjan200601, ...txtdec200701, txtfuture01
txtpast08, txtjan200608, ...txtdec200708, txtfuture08
The number at the end of the field name associate the date fields to fields called txtfunc01 through txtfunc08.
If txtfunc01 is null then no month/year fields for the 01 row need to be filled out and so on.
I want to create a button when clicked automatically enters values into the month/year fields for the rows that have the txtfunc filled out.
There is a field called "Estimated Start Date" which determines what month/year field the values should start on.
There is a field called "duration" which says how many month/year fields past the estimated start date data should be entered.
There is also a reference table called "tbldur" which contains fields called "duration", "m", "m1" ... "m25". The duration can be linked to the duration referenced in the form and the "m" fields contain values which can fill the month/year fields in.
What should happen on click would be if Estimated Start Date is "10/1/2007" and duration is 6 and only txtfunc01 is filled in then txtoct200701 = m1, txtnov200701 = m2, txtdec200701 = m3, txtfuture01 = m4 + m5 + m6.
Please help. I have no idea how to do this.