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Creating a DialogBox from within a DialogBox

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Sep 4, 2003

I have one dialog box window containing a button, which, once the user clicks on it, pops up another dialog box prompting the user for some input.

The code is (something) like this:

BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDD_GETUSERINPUT),hwnd, UserInputDlgProc);
. <= rest of code here

The code works from the sense that the 2nd dialog box pops up when the user clicks the button. However, what is the *correct* way to obtain the inputted user value from the 2nd dialog box? The above function needs to get the value from that dialog box and do something with it.

I thought of creating a global variable that can be written to within the 2nd dialog box's function, but this just doesnt seem like good programming practice. And not only that, I am getting strange bugs (race conditions?) in my program that makes me very suspicious about the manner in which I implemented this code.

Any Ideas? Is there something fundamentally wrong with embedding one dialog box within another dialog box?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

The EndDialog function, which ends the second dialog box, accepts a return-value parameter (EndDialog ( hDlg, ReturnValue )), which you can obtain in the calling procedure like this: ReturnValue = DialogBox ( ... );

With appropriate type casting the return value can be (a pointer to) any type.


I also adopt this approach as well. However, what I do is similar to what Mercel suggests but I create a struct(ure) to represent the data in the &quot;popup&quot; dialog box.

Then create the dialog using DialoxBoxParam() and pass the address of the structure to the box. In the Callback function for the &quot;popup&quot; I have a static pointer to the struct. I assign the address to this in the WM_INITDIALOG, then in my IDOK I copy the Data into the struct's members.

So, when the popup dialog ends I have access to what was entered.


P.S. I know this post is old but I've only just signed up and I saw you were monitoring this so I though I would share what I do with you.
Thanks for the info. I'm doing something similar to that now also.

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