For a new database (accdb) in access 2010 im busy creating a new submenu. In the past with access 2003 it was a bit easier and I can't figure out how to solve this.
What is it what i want to create.
It is a copy button, you select a day, lets say Thursday. If you push the button it gives you the following shortcutmenu:
Click the day will fire off an VBA programmed query or something like that.
I used an old copy of Access 2003 to try to create this in access 2010, but it cant find the cbProducts Commandbar and I can't add it, it also gives me the error: Office.CommandBarControl is not defined.
The code i uses
Any help suggestions would be appreciated as I'm stuck. Already tried to import the old database including toolbars, but with out success.
What is it what i want to create.
It is a copy button, you select a day, lets say Thursday. If you push the button it gives you the following shortcutmenu:
Copy from day
--> Monday
--> Tuesday
--> Wednesday
--> Thursday (must be grey/inactive as this is the selected day
--> Friday
--> Saturday
--> Sunday
Copy to day
--> Monday
--> Tuesday
Click the day will fire off an VBA programmed query or something like that.
I used an old copy of Access 2003 to try to create this in access 2010, but it cant find the cbProducts Commandbar and I can't add it, it also gives me the error: Office.CommandBarControl is not defined.
The code i uses
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub createProductCommandBar()
Const conBarName = "cbProducts"
Dim rsCat As dao.Recordset
Dim rsProducts As dao.Recordset
Dim rsOrders As dao.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim catCaption As String
Dim catValue As Long
Dim prodCaption As String
Dim prodValue As Long
Dim cbCat As Office.CommandBar
Dim cbCatCtrl As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim cbProdCtl As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
Dim cb As CommandBar
Set rsCat = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryCategories", dbReadOnly)
If isCommandBar(conBarName) Then
End If
Set cbCat = CommandBars.Add(conBarName, msoBarPopup, False, True)
Do While Not rsCat.EOF
catCaption = rsCat!CategoryName
catValue = rsCat!CategoryID
strSql = "Select * from qryProducts where CategoryID = " & catValue
Set cbCatCtrl = cbCat.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup)
cbCatCtrl.Caption = catCaption
Set rsProducts = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbReadOnly)
Do While Not rsProducts.EOF
Set cbProdCtl = cbCatCtrl.Controls.Add()
prodCaption = rsProducts!ProductName
prodValue = rsProducts!productID
cbProdCtl.Caption = prodCaption
cbProdCtl.Tag = prodValue
cbProdCtl.OnAction = "subFilterOrders"
End Sub
Public Sub subFilterOrders()
Dim cbCtl As CommandBarControl
Dim strSql As String
Set cbCtl = CommandBars.ActionControl
strSql = "Select * from qryOrders where ProductID = " & CInt(cbCtl.Tag)
Forms("frmDemo").subOrders.Form.RecordSource = strSql
End Sub
Public Function isCommandBar(strBarName As String) As Boolean
Dim cb As CommandBar
For Each cb In Application.CommandBars
If cb.Name = strBarName Then
isCommandBar = True
End If
Next cb
End Function
Public Sub createEmployeeCommandBar()
Const conBarName = "cbEmployees"
Dim rsEmp As dao.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim empCaption As String
Dim empValue As Long
Dim cbEmp As Office.CommandBar
Dim cbEmpCtrl As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
Dim cb As CommandBar
Set rsEmp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryEmployees", dbReadOnly)
If isCommandBar(conBarName) Then
End If
Set cbEmp = CommandBars.Add(conBarName, msoBarPopup, False, True)
Do While Not rsEmp.EOF
empCaption = rsEmp!EmployeeName
empValue = rsEmp!EmployeeID
Set cbEmpCtrl = cbEmp.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , empValue)
cbEmpCtrl.Tag = empValue
cbEmpCtrl.Caption = empCaption
cbEmpCtrl.OnAction = "SelectEmployee"
End Sub
Public Sub createSupplierCommandBar()
Const conBarName = "cbSuppliers"
Dim rsSup As dao.Recordset
Dim strSql As String
Dim SupCaption As String
Dim SupValue As Long
Dim cbSup As Office.CommandBar
Dim cbSupCtrl As Office.CommandBarControl
Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
Dim cb As CommandBar
Set rsSup = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qrySuppliers", dbReadOnly)
If isCommandBar(conBarName) Then
End If
Set cbSup = CommandBars.Add(conBarName, msoBarPopup, False, True)
Do While Not rsSup.EOF
SupCaption = rsSup!CompanyName
SupValue = rsSup!SupplierID
Set cbSupCtrl = cbSup.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , SupValue)
cbSupCtrl.Tag = SupValue
cbSupCtrl.Caption = SupCaption
cbSupCtrl.OnAction = "SelectSupplier"
End Sub
Public Sub selectEmployee()
Forms("frmDemo").txtCmdBar = DLookup("EmployeeName", "qryEmployees", "EmployeeID = " & CommandBars.ActionControl.Tag)
End Sub
Public Sub selectSupplier()
Forms("frmDemo").txtCmdBar = DLookup("CompanyName", "qrySuppliers", "SupplierID = " & CommandBars.ActionControl.Tag)
End Sub
Any help suggestions would be appreciated as I'm stuck. Already tried to import the old database including toolbars, but with out success.