I need to create a bates macro that will work in word 2003; similar to one we have in wordperfect. I don't have a lot of experience with macros and don't know where to start; can someone point me in the right direction.
Also, macro questions should be posted in the VBA forum, forum707.
BTW: what is a "bates" macro?
The linked given by LNBruno is good. One of the best things is to use the macro recorder, then look at the code in the Visual Basic Editor. Again, though, post actual macro/code questions in the VBA forum.
BTW, referring to this as a Bates Macro is like referring to facial tissue as Kleenex. Kleenex is a facial tissue, but not all facial tissue is Kleenex.
Bates makes numeric sequence stamping machines for stuff stuff like tickets or invoices.
This is a numeric sequence something er other macro.
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