Well - here is an approach I used in the past.
1. Backup of open database - I created a copy of the database and coded my own psuedo replication routine that would "Transfer" the data to the replica database.
2. For backing up - you can create a seperate database file that has an autoexec macro. The macro can call a routine where you Copy the file & Compact it to another directory.
htwh Steve Medvid
"IT Consultant & Web Master"
Function CopyFile(SourceName As String, DestName As String) As Integer
' Copies a single file SourceName to DestName
' Calling convention:
' X = CopyFile("C:\This.Exe", "C:\That.Exe"
' X = CopyFile("C:\This.Exe", "C:\Temp\This.Exe"
Const BufSize = 8192
Dim Buffer As String * BufSize, TempBuf As String
Dim SourceF As Integer, DestF As Integer, i As Long
On Error GoTo CFError
SourceF = FreeFile
Open SourceName For Binary As #SourceF
DestF = FreeFile
Open DestName For Binary As #DestF
For i = 1 To LOF(SourceF) \ BufSize
Get #SourceF, , Buffer
Put #DestF, , Buffer
Next i
i = LOF(SourceF) Mod BufSize
If i > 0 Then
Get #SourceF, , Buffer
TempBuf = left$(Buffer, i)
Put #DestF, , TempBuf
End If
Close #SourceF
Close #DestF
CopyFile = True
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " copying files" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Error
CopyFile = False
Resume CFExit
End Function
You have to change the Path of the source file to Your DB Path in (C:\YourPath\YourDB.mdb) and then copy to were do you want (C:\YourPath\DBCopy.mdb)
Best Regards
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