I have bit of dilema here
I use
bpimagelist -policy <policy name> -s xxxxx -e xxxx
to check if actual image has been created during backup
it works fine and produce that following format
Backed Up Expires Files KB C Sched Type Policy
04/25/2004 xxxxx xxxxx xx xx FULL <name>
I am looking to find out how to add Schedule lable to this format that will allow not only to see all image attribute but also lable to make sure that it it was correct one such
If I have 3 types of schedules for one policy WEEKLY, MONHTLY and Daily I would like to see them as well appended to output above. Do you guys have any idea if it is doable?
I have bit of dilema here
I use
bpimagelist -policy <policy name> -s xxxxx -e xxxx
to check if actual image has been created during backup
it works fine and produce that following format
Backed Up Expires Files KB C Sched Type Policy
04/25/2004 xxxxx xxxxx xx xx FULL <name>
I am looking to find out how to add Schedule lable to this format that will allow not only to see all image attribute but also lable to make sure that it it was correct one such
If I have 3 types of schedules for one policy WEEKLY, MONHTLY and Daily I would like to see them as well appended to output above. Do you guys have any idea if it is doable?