If you place a bitmap file in the same directory as your database with the same name as your database (i.e. the database is called test.mdb, the picture would be called test.bmp, it will replace the Access splash screen with the bitmap.
I have tried this on one of my databases and haven't had any problems, but I have heard of cases where this crashes the database or causes other problems, so make a backup and test it before you implement it. Mike Rohde
To make graphics or letters animate a bit, you can use the 'OnMouseMove' event to trigger some sort of activity, like change of color or show pic etc. Plus, you can also use the Timer event and property for this too if you want it more automated.
Are these tricks that canbe done in Access 97 version? I have posted a thread liek this before, in an attempt to make my database look a little more 'flash'. So ar, i have been able to add a few things, but the above ideas seem very god also, but am not sure whether they will work in 97 verison? Any ideas? Help in activating it also would be very well appreciated! Thank you for your help already.
I am using Access 97, so I know that the technique I described above works in 97. I assume it works for 2000 also, but I have not tried it. Mike Rohde
Use PowerPoint and draw a box. Use the Box Fill PaintCan and the fill affects. This will allow for a nice background. Use Control and C to paste object. Now toggle back to Access and paste it to form. Change Object property from Clip to stretch. you now have a nice background. Insert Objects/Logs. Now make the form modal and use the On Current (Timer). On Timer open main form or security login.
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