My Pick List form has a combo to select a delivery date.
This is used to show all orders due for delivery on this date in a the top datasheet subform. Stepping down through this datasheet shows all of the current order's items in a second Datasheet subform, sfmPickListBarcodes.
I now want to create labels for items in the currently selected order, extracting their Product Names, Quantities and Barcodes that contain 'SI' and the OrderItemID.
So for OrderID 151206 I want the report to generate 3 labels showing Maldon Gold, SI233194, and 2 showing Jake, SI233195.
As a test I tried using this for the Command Button
But this just repeated the name and quantity for the first row, not moving to the second.
This is used to show all orders due for delivery on this date in a the top datasheet subform. Stepping down through this datasheet shows all of the current order's items in a second Datasheet subform, sfmPickListBarcodes.

I now want to create labels for items in the currently selected order, extracting their Product Names, Quantities and Barcodes that contain 'SI' and the OrderItemID.
So for OrderID 151206 I want the report to generate 3 labels showing Maldon Gold, SI233194, and 2 showing Jake, SI233195.
As a test I tried using this for the Command Button
With Forms!frmPickList.sfmPickListBarcodes.Form.RecordsetClone
Do Until .EOF
Debug.Print sfmPickListBarcodes.Form.ProductName
Debug.Print sfmPickListBarcodes.Form.Quantity
End With
But this just repeated the name and quantity for the first row, not moving to the second.