I established an ODBC connection a SQL database on our ISP's WEB site. This is a SQL database that we can do anything with.<br>Currently it has our Part numbers and Prices so our distributors can look then up. Our ISP wrote a simple "Find WEB page and a servlet app that's looks up the info keyed in. Which works Great <br>We are resposible for any updates/price changes etc.<br>My first thought was to delete all parts and just copy all ~11,000 parts back up.<br>But it just hangs after a while.<br>I think a better soultion would be compare our parts and prices here in a view or something and then just update/change or add any differences. This may a be just 10-30 parts every week or so.<br>Any Ideas on the best way to do this?<br> ??Stored Procedure tied to Job that fires say every Friday nite at Midnight??<br>I need some Transact SQL code or a starting point.<br><br>TIA <p>DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br> Ask me how Bar-codes can help you be more productive.