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create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid 1

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Dec 5, 2001
Season's greetings all!!

Just wondering how i would create a function to sum a column in a MSFlexGrid? I wanted to have a coomadnbutton to perform the function and a textbox to display it. Is this possible and can anyone help?

This should be what u need:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = TotalColumn(FlexGrid, 2)

End Sub

Private Function TotalColumn(Grid As MSHFlexGrid, ByVal ColIndex As Integer) As Integer
Dim R As Long
Dim Total As Integer

For R = 0 To Grid.Rows - 1
If IsNumeric(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)) Then
Total = Total + Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)
End If
Next R

TotalColumn = Total

End Function



Any man willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.

-Ben Franklin
Thanks for the help but it doesn't seem to be working....it gives me the error "Compile Error: ByRef argument type mismatch" ....what does that mean?"

Private Sub Command22_Click()
Text1.Text = TotalColumn(FlexGrid, 15) ' 15 is my column i would like to sum

End Sub

Private Function TotalColumn(Grid As MSFlexGrid, ByVal ColIndex As
Integer) As Integer
Dim R As Long
Dim Total As Integer

For R = 0 To Grid.Rows - 1
If IsNumeric(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)) Then
Total = Total + Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)
End If
Next R

TotalColumn = Total

End Function
The only thing I can see right away is in your function header:

Private Function TotalColumn(Grid As MSFlexGrid, etc...)
'Change to:
Private Function TotalColumn(Grid AS MSHFlexGrid, etc...)

Also, when you call the function, i.e. "Text1.Text = TotalColumn(FlexGrid, 15)", make sure that 'FlexGrid' is the name of your grid.

At any rate, a ByRef argument type mismatch error is blaming the grid part of the function call, but the rest looks ok...try checking these and see what happens.


Any man willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.

-Ben Franklin
Almost there but now it's returning a value if "0"....calculation doesn't seem to be working...
Try changing this line:
If IsNumeric(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)) Then
Total = Total + Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)

to this:
If IsNumeric(CInt(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex))) Then
Total = Total + CInt(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex))

You may have spaces or something else that's causing IsNumeric() to return false. Put a breakpoint on the line that increments Total and make sure it's actually getting there, it sounds like it's not...

Any man willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.

-Ben Franklin
it was actually my TotalColumn = Total....i misspelled "column"....working good....but now i'm sometimes getting "Overflow" error...looks like the number might be too large...any suggestions?
Integers can hold values from about 32000 to -32000. Try changing Total to Long (about +/- 4 million, as well as the return value from the function:

Private Function TotalColumn(Grid As MSFlexGrid, ByVal ColIndex As Integer) As Long
Dim R As Long
Dim Total As Long

For R = 0 To Grid.Rows - 1
If IsNumeric(Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)) Then
Total = Total + Grid.TextMatrix(R, ColIndex)
End If
Next R

TotalColumn = Total

End Function

If you still get an overflow error you may need to change to Single or Double.


Any man willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.

-Ben Franklin
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