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Crash: Help with Error 3

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Jul 22, 2004
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. 8ID533

Computer keeps crashing and then automatically rebooting. Below is the the most recent error message after computer crashes and reboots. If anyone can advise on how to fix the problem on the basis of this informaation, I would much appreciate it. Many thanks, Eponymous

The %OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc% service failed to start due to the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Are you able to get into Windows? If so, try to disable automatic restart after error (Right-click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab, Settings button in Startup and Recovery section, uncheck Automatically restart in System failure section). With this disabled you should get the infamous BSOD and you can get the Stop code from there and post it here. I tend to doubt the service not being started you listed above is the cause of the reboot, however I found this article that talks about it:

And the Greg Shultz referred to in that article I think is here:

Right - post blue screen info and then see if you can boot to safe mode and have it actually get to the desktop and stay running.

Thank you for your help. Please note:

1) Error sent did not come from BSOD but was copied from events log.

Source: Service Control Manager
Event ID : 7000

The %OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc% service failed to start due to the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
2) Error immediately preceded by this Warning:

Source: Server
Event ID: 2504

The server could not bind to the transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{76733B68-EE78-4590-9635-0AA8BEAE1B8F}.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
3) Above Warning 2nd warning - with warning below being the 1st warning:

Source: Server
Event ID: 2504

The server could not bind to the transport \Device\NetbiosSmb.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
$) a) No ghosts were fouind in device manager
b) Searched registry and found


Name: DeviceDesc
Type: REG_SZ
Data: %OWC_USBHCD.Device.Desc%

Attempted to delete in both normal and safe mode and both times received: Unable to delete all specified values

Hopefully this gives you the information you require and please advise.

Many thanks,

Goombawaho - Thank you too ... if you don't mind, I would like to do this one step at a time and try first solution first. Shall keep you posted.

Many thanks,
Do turn off the Automatic Restart setting, the information that this will provide is essential for troubleshooting. If you do not want to do this then Start your machine via the Safe Mode boot options screen (F8) and turn off the Automatic Restart in there for just one boot. Again alternatively pull the Stop Error up via the Event Viewer.

Check any "Information" line that mentions "savedump" and you should find reference to "recovered from a bug check". This is the Stop Error that caused your problem.

Have you thoroughly checked your machine for malware?

I see lots of recommendations here for programs like -

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware


You could also try the Winsock fix mentioned in this thread.

WinXP Connectivity Issues

The problems with editing the Registry is likely to be an access permissions issue. Looking at a Windows 7 machine, the key you mention has only read access for Administrators, so you might have to change the access permission by right-clicking on the key and selecting "Permissions". If %OWC_USBHCD.Device.Desc% is mentioned in that area of the registry then it will probably be mentioned in other places in there too.

See if this program is of any use to you, it might not be depending as to what type of device the %OWC_USBHCD.Device.Desc% is.


Some general things to try.

310560 - How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

See if System Restore will get you back to a restore point before your problem with Windows.

Try Safe Mode (Do you have this problem in Safe Mode?).

Try running ChkDsk to check your drive for errors. Right-click your Drive icon/ Properties/ Tools/ Error Checking. Select both boxes.

Run the System File Checker program from the Run Box by typing.....Sfc /Scannow in it and have your XP CD handy.

HOW TO: Verify Unsigned Device Drivers in Windows XP

If they don't work you could try repairing windows by running it over itself. You will lose all your windows updates but your files will be untouched.

How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP (Q315341)
The two warnings with Event ID 2504 involving not binding to NETBT and NetbiosSmb seem to indicate you don't have File and Print sharing installed (or perhaps it's disabled).

As I said before, I really doubt these warnings are causing the restart. As mentioned, the BSOD information would be of great assistance to us.
Freestone, Goombawaho, and Linney - Many thanks!

1) I should have mentioned ... irrespective of whether or not "Automatically restart in System failure System" is checked ... or whether or not Normal or Safe mode ... I never get BSOD

2) Have done spyware / malaware scans - zero

3) Attached sigverif2.txt ... are there any paricular drivers that might possibly be the problem and need to be deleted, please?

Many thanks,
What you can do is Google each unsigned driver's name and find out what it is and what hardware it relates to and look at that (the results) from a troubleshooting point of view. Maybe your searching will link some driver to that %OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc%, but that would be too easy wouldn't it? You will have to decide on whether to uninstall the hardware or software using the unsigned driver for testing to see if removal stops the problem.

If you are not getting a Stop Error perhaps you are having some other problem too like overheating etc?
see if this posting helps:
[URL unfurl="true" said:
re: The %OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc% service failing
Friday, October 21, 2005 at 5:41 pm
Windows XP Annoyances Discussion Forum
Posted by Shane (5 messages posted)

Ok, I did a few more hours of digging around and playing with services and stuff.
Stumbled across this page:

It gave me an idea to go in and check the registry. I navigated in to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ServiceName
and found the "%OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc%" under the service called "ousbehci" which
cooresponds to the ousbehci. I believe this, and two other .sys files are for an
external USB hub.

I'll see if I can get rid of this some how and I'll report back.


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."

Thanks for this - you definitely on the right track as from sigverfic.sys discovered 2 problem files including ghosts:

ousbechci.sys and ousb2hub.sys

However, after deleting all and emptying recycle bin still unable to delete registry entry as "Unable to delete all specified values"

So many thanks for your help and await your findings with interest.

Best wishes,
not my findings but that link was from 2005 with no follow up so I do not have any more info from there.

But this link has something:

[URL unfurl="true" said:
Solution to the ?%OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc%? error :
When I opened System Devices from The Devices Manager window, I find many ghosts and between them to my surprise, there was %OWC_USBEHCD. DeviceDesc%. I was euphoric and delighted. All the needed information was in the property of the ghost driver and by deleting the ghost device and removing the entry in the registry and from the system32 folder the problem was solved. Alleluia!

Nevertheless, the story does not end here because after removing the ghost device, a new message came out saying, ?USB device has been removed?, but I solved this problem easily by reinstalling the Microsoft Enhanced Host Controller Driver.

By the way, from the property of the driver I have found out that the three letters OWC stand for Orange Ware Corporation (I know that you knew it!). How this driver (OUSBEHCI.SYS) came into my computer!? It is a mystery. Sometimes lack of knowledge is bliss.


To Paraphrase:"The Help you get is proportional to the Help you give.."
Thanks again, still end up as far as attempting to delete registry entry and get "unable to delete all specified values.

Here is a copy of the binary values listed in %OWC_USBEHCD.DeviceDesc%

0000 25 4F 00 57 00 43 00 %.O.W.C.
0008 5F 55 00 55 00 53 00 ..U.S.B.
0010 45 48 00 43 00 44 00 .E.H.C.D.
0018 2E 44 00 65 00 76 00 ..D.e.v.
0020 69 63 00 65 00 44 00 i.c.e.D.
0028 65 73 00 63 00 25 00 e.s.c.%
0030 00

With regard to ousb2hub.sys and ousbechci.sys:

a) Would "0008 5F 55 00 55 00 53 00 ..U.S.B." relate to ousb2hub.sys?
b) Would "0010 45 48 00 43 00 44 00 .E.H.C.D." relate to ousbechci.sys?

If so, would deleting these 2 strings satifactorily remove the registry entries?

Many thanks,
What ever that Registry Key is, this seems to be what it is telling you, I think?


Does it look familiar?


If you are having problems deleting things have you checked the Access Permission for your user? Just right-click on the Key concerned.

HOW TO: Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP (or Vista)

Error Message: "Access Is Denied" When You Try to Open NTFS File System Folders
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