I want to use CR_UPDATE keyword instead to log subsequent instances of the same event as comments to the same job. I want to match the job summary field as well as the default match fields. It says in the comments of the file that:
# CR_UPDATE - updates an existing request or requests (if they
# exists or creates new request if no requests are found. By
# default requests are located by matching on the log_agent and
# affected_resource (asset) fields. The user can overrid the
# defaults by specifying a list of any call request attributes.
However I just can't figure out what the syntax is to "specify a list of any call request attributes." I thought you could use the %SEARCH= keyword but this doesn't seem to work.
# CR_UPDATE - updates an existing request or requests (if they
# exists or creates new request if no requests are found. By
# default requests are located by matching on the log_agent and
# affected_resource (asset) fields. The user can overrid the
# defaults by specifying a list of any call request attributes.
However I just can't figure out what the syntax is to "specify a list of any call request attributes." I thought you could use the %SEARCH= keyword but this doesn't seem to work.