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CR6 ==> CRW32 Crash ??

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Jul 23, 2001
Hello All,

I am having a wee problem! I am using CR 6.0 with a datafile MS Access database, with like 40 tables linked. I have just inserted a sub report into my main report. I do not even use the detail or footers sections in the sub, just the headers. I have a table which contains 3 different PhoneID's (Home, Business and Fax). These links go to three Phone table (all alias tables). Based on the PhoneType field ("Home", "Business" or "Fax") the number comes out in the box in the sub. If 2 out of the 3 work .. then so does the rest of the report. However, once they all work properly, Crystal pgm crashes ... not just the report ... but the whole pgm! Any idea's or suggestions? Otherwise "I'm up sh*t creek without a paddle!"!

So close ... yet so far away ...

Jamieson McNab Leitch
Empire Financail Group
Well....at your request I read your post.....but don't know for sure if I can be of much help. I do have a few questions though.

Does the report execute correctly from within the designer? Or is this were the error is appearing?

Have you considered upgrading to CR 8?

Check I think that there MAY BE a patch for 6.0 which includes an updated Crystal Engine and some DLLs. (I can't remember if it was for 6 or 7)
I believe that the crash is triggered once the sub report goes to fire up ... ???? ... thx a lot for looking at it ... i didn't expect an answer as this is a really strange problem! Hard to figure out when the only difference is when I get one of field to come in or not. Especailly when I'm already bringing in 2 fields which are the same (at least the same data format from the same table) Oh well!

Crystal Reports : 1
Jamie : 0

not a good score so far ...

thx for the help though ...

Are there blanks in the data? This has caused me problems in the past (and currently...)

Hope this helps.

Subreports and Alias's cause Crystal to run very slowly (especially if the server is slow). How many records are being returned? Maybe you are just asking too much of the report. I developed on which took approx 25 mins to run and then it nearly always crashed. This report had subreports and alias's in (and loads too much data)
Make sure that in your Options you have "Use Indexes Or Server for Speed" checked - it may help.
Also select "perform Grouping on Server" in the Report Options.
I think all these things were available in Crystal 6, if not, my apologies!
Thx for the advice Justin ... but my data isn't on a server ... the databases are locale to the machine. But it sounds like you had the same problem. I'm begining to wonder whether or not crystal can even handle what i'm trying to do ... it's mostly just data retreival, but a whole lot of data!!! We'll see how it goes .. I'll check on that blank thing to ... but i know this works, i've got it to work before ... but the way the links work ..i either get the persal info fine and the investment info is messed up ... or vice versa ... GGGRRRRRRR

I'll keep at it ... thx again

I'm not sure if this will help, but verify the database in the master and sub reports. I've found that most of the crashes I see in Crystal occur if I make changes to the schema and don't verify the database. It doesn't give and error, it just crashes (versions 7 and 8).

Also... Check out emcevoy's FAQ about report performance - some good tips.

Reading your original post, you said 40 "linked" tables. That means the data is not really in Access. It's in a remote database like SQL Server.

I would open up each of the "linked" tables in Access to make sure that they still work. The ones used by your report. If the underlying table definition has changed in SQL Server (or whatever db), then you will probably get ?Error for some fields in Access.

If that doesn't help, I would move to the sub-report. I would drop and re-add the link between the main report and the sub-report.
Hey Balves,

Thx for the reply guys ... i really appreciate it! I'm not sure what you mean by saying that my links are SQL. When I say that I have 40 linked tables ... I mean that in one Access database, I have 40 (out of about 140) tables linked. Also, (Justin0 what did you mean by "Check out emcevoy's FAQ about report performance "? Is emcevoy a person in this newsgroup with a FAQ page? I'll keep fighting with it for now ... thx again guys!

Jamie in Canada
Yes - emcevoy is a person with an FAQ. If you go to the main screen (in other words - out of this message to where you start after you've logged on) there are 4 tabs -
Forums, Keyword search, FAQ's and Links. Look in the FAQ's.
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