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CR for VS 2005 rant

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Aug 13, 2004

I saw that there were MSDN chats about CR, though I missed all of them. I decided it would be fun to start a thread about what features I think should be added to the CR report editor in VS 2005, so I could point someone to it who's actually going to work on it, even though it's probably too late maybe these features can go in the next version. Please add any features you'd like to see or comment on mine. By the way , I've chosen the tried and true form of angry rant to give my comments.

Format PaintBrush:

This has got to be one of the biggest problems I've found with the VS 2003 editor. Sure, you can set the formats of multiple objects at the same time, but you'd better want all thier formats to be exactely the same. A feature that allows you to "paint" BOLD format on a field without affecting the rest of the format, or select multiple fields and change them to BOLD without changing the rest of thier format info is direly needed.

I think the best way to have this would be the paintBrush with which you could "paint" on as much or as little of the format that you want by choosing it form a GUI.

Like: SIZE = "null" or "leave alone" ALIGNMENT = "null" or "leave alone"
8 left
10 right

Also the "sample taking" tool could go along with this to pull the info from a field into our paintbrush, and that would also be sweet.

I don't like having tooltips on my reports, all the necessary info is already there. I'm sure some people want them, but I'm sure nobody wants "(CustID)String" showing up on thier report when a client moves the mouse over a field. Default them to blank, make it easy to supress them, and easy to paint them with the format paintbrush!


This would be the sweetest. Basically the problem I'm looking to solve here is that sometimes a report gets so croweded with junk, like a textField with a couple formulas in it, or behind it, that you can't even select your fields anymore. A Tab through function that allows you to Tab through the fields would help, but layers would be awesome. At least 2 layers with the ability to view all layers, view under layer, or view upper layer. Ok, at least make the TAB through function.

ADO.NET support:

I use datasets to "PUSH" data into the reports instead of the usual "PULL" method from a database that most people seem to use, and I have a lot to say about how this can be improved.

Make it fast! I heard the performance for this was going to be improved for the CR bundled with VS2005, and it better be. It's the "recommended" way according to some Microsoft propaganda I read, so it better not frustrate my users with 2-5 second load times for each report(like it does now).

Make the way the xsd is used more transparent. Although it's nice how it can work like Magic, sometimes it dosen't work like Magic, and we're screwed. Make the error messages better. The "Query Engine Error" that comes when there is an error with the schema or in the linking can be very frustrating. What information exactely is being used by Crystal when you use an xsd to define it's schema. Tables names, Fields Names and Field types. Anything else? If not, maybe a editor like the editor for xsds could be added to VS2005 to edit CR ADO.NET schemas? Either way, spell it out for us better so we actally know what is going on!!!

Also, make it easier to update a schema without having to re-create a report. This can be a real pain, especially with tiny changes to several reports.

In summary, please make the CR editor imbedded in VS 2005 feel less like a "beta". That means, let me scroll the Visual linking expert with my mouse roller. It means, make the "Name the formula" form that comes when generating a new formula look less ghetto. And please do everyting I already talked about.

Thank you,
Darren Grafton
LikePork wrote in-part: "Basically the problem I'm looking to solve here is that sometimes a report gets so croweded with junk, like a textField with a couple formulas in it, or behind it, that you can't even select your fields anymore......

If I understood you correctly - there is a method for doing this in V10 (not sure what other versions).

Display the Report Explorer (via View/Report Explorer). Then expand a section. You will see all the fields in that section. Click on one and it will be highlighted in the design view. Just grab it and move it.

I just confirmed this. I laid three text blocks on top of each other in Report Header. Clicked on each of them and moved them each individually.

Here is what I'd like to see in version 200x.

A data dictionary where I can store default headings and display formats ($ sign, commas, decimal places, width, etc.) for each field in a view.

If I had this I wouldn't have to constantly remove the commas and decimal places from our department numbers and I'd have headings that didn't look like database field names.

This might work like the Set DataSource Location where I would point to a 'map' (aka data dictionary) where each field has a default display format and heading.

As an example: dept_name as a20 heading'Dept:Name'

Every time you use dept_name you would get 20 characters as a default with a two line heading "Dept" over "Name".

Am I asking for too much?
Oh yeah,

I forgot to explain I use the CR that's bundled with VS 2003. So I don't get all the new tricks that can be done with CR v10. If you've ever played with the bundled version, I'm sure you'd agree it has "beta" written all over it.

Does anyone know about using the "PUSH" method to fill the report with ADO.net datasets using CR V10 or 11? This is the most important thing to me, if there was good support for it in CR v11 I might be convinced to tell my boss to buy it for me. The other things, like the paintbrush, would just be a bonus.
Just wanted to chime in here on the comments I've read. If you go to the Business Objects DevZone you'll see that they have some .NET 2005 Beta info posted. It has some really great features coming our way. First of all, the PUSH method is going to be much faster. It was rewritten from scratch for CR10 and we get it in .NET 2005. Big improvement there. Secondly, that whole tool-tip problem has been resolved as well. Now there is a property to turn them off. Lots of other good stuff is listed and you should check out their whitepaper.

Re CR XI (v11), it is VERY cool. They put features into this release we have been waiting for and its well worth the upgrade if you have the money. The two big features I like are Dynamic Cascading Prompts (linked to your database) and image links (finally!). Plus, I heard that overall report performance has been improved in CR XI, but I haven't had time to confirm this or not. Anyway, they have a ton of marketing material on their site and a 30 day download for you to play with.

The other thing I want to mention is that since I finished my book "Crystal Reports .NET Programming" I've been lucky enough to be in contact with the CR developers. They are very interested in hearing suggestions for new features. In fact, one of them sent me the link to this post. So it is in all of our best intests to keep this thread going to get more creative ideas posted. The comments are definitely getting read by the right people. In fact, if you email me your suggestions I'll be sure to pass them on as well.

Brian Bischof
Crystal Reports .NET Programming (ISBN 0974953652)
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