CR 8.5:
I tried almost everything but it is not working.
Report is grouped by cust#, to get sum(sales), sum(profit)
detail section is suppresed .
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
Group a: cust_id, name, sum(sales), sum(profit)
Grand total: (This is where I am having problem)
Grand total:
Cust Count: xxxxx, gt_sum(sales), gt_sum(profit)
Group is sorted by sum(sales) ascending or descending, same applies to profit. So far so good. report works fine.
What I am having difficulties is the need to restrict the list of group entered by user {Max_List_of}? let say 10 lines, or 9999 for all
(I am not using topN records since I do not have control)
I am also having problem on Grand total of sum(sales) and grand total sum(profit).
THe problem is I can not have a running total based on the group. and my group is printed based on a sum formula.
Please help
I tried almost everything but it is not working.
Report is grouped by cust#, to get sum(sales), sum(profit)
detail section is suppresed .
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
detail a: (suppressed)
Group a: cust_id, name, sum(sales), sum(profit)
Grand total: (This is where I am having problem)
Grand total:
Cust Count: xxxxx, gt_sum(sales), gt_sum(profit)
Group is sorted by sum(sales) ascending or descending, same applies to profit. So far so good. report works fine.
What I am having difficulties is the need to restrict the list of group entered by user {Max_List_of}? let say 10 lines, or 9999 for all
(I am not using topN records since I do not have control)
I am also having problem on Grand total of sum(sales) and grand total sum(profit).
THe problem is I can not have a running total based on the group. and my group is printed based on a sum formula.
Please help