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CPU failure? 1

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Apr 30, 2001

I have a box with a AMD Thunderbird CPU. The case this CPU/Motherboard is housed in has only 2 fans -- one on the chip itself, and the power supply fan -- no additional cooling/ventilation fan.

While it is recommended a third fan be present, I have seen boxes built similarly to the one described above, and was not overly concerned with heat causing a problem.

However, the other day, when starting the PC, I get nothing -- the monitor displays the usual message " no signal, check connections" -- the connections are good, I can't boot from a floppy, and I can hear the hard drive(s) spinning up when powering up.

There is no visual output of any kind -- I'm assuming the CPU has been damaged (even though there were no warning signs of any kind) and that the PC is not completing it's POST as a result (which would explain the lack of any audible beeps or the POST progress on screen.) I can think of no other reason for this.

I'm wondering if -- before I go and buy a new chip and case -- if anyone might have any other suggestions.....?

Much appreciated. Thanks.
Try another MotherBoard. Most MB manufacturers have an error code system in place if there is a problem with the processor. You should hear 1 beep if all is ok. A series of 11 or more if RAM is bad, and 1 long and 2 short (3 total) if Video is bad. USUALLY no beeps is either the main board has no power to it, or is toast or it could be the speaker is not hooked up. Though some of todays Main Boards come with an onboard speaker.

Have you tried a differant MB? Try taking the Processor to where you purchased it from and see if they will confirm it is ok.
Let me stress that no beeps COULD mean a bad processor. Just depends on the BIOS and whats wrong.
Try reseating memory and verify that the video is fully seated. Either of these could give the same POST failure. Ed Fair

Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply.

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Yes, my name is cpuFAILURE. When a hard drive is plugged in backwards, the drives usually never start up. It is possible, that one of your ide devices (zip, cd-rom, hard drive) has gone sour, resulting in a "black screen of death". Try unplugging all of the ide cables in your pc 1st, see what happens. Im willing to bet though, if that does not work, its the motherboard. Did i metion, i run a computer store yet?
I replaced the MB last night (after posting my problem.) It hasn't corrected the problem. I'm still assuming the fact I've heard no beeps is because the POST check ususally starts with the CPU and if there is a problem, everything goes "dead" so to speak.....

I am bringing the CPU back to the vendor to have it tested.....

Before I do that though, I'll try the suggestion of unplugging the IDE devices to rule out IDE device failure as the culprit.

I ruled out video card failure the other day by replacing it with a "known good" card. I don't feel it's a memory failure, as I've had PC's that will still boot, or at least start the post process and return SOME visual output before showing an error. I'll check it though.

Details to follow.... and thanks to all of you who have replied.....
If you leave the memory out and get a series of beeps, the CPU is doing it's job supposedly, because it detects the absence of memory. The same is probably true for video. Just a late thought. Every day above ground is a GOOD DAY!!!
to make a long (very long) story short i once worked on a pc which had a screw shorting out behind the motherboard. the short caused the computer not to boot. "black screen of death". im supprised that motherboard still worked after all that.
Has anyone told you that it could be the Power Supply, test the connections and make sure you are getting enough voltage from them. If the Power Supply is bad and too weak to power the board, things may turn on or not do anything at all. John D. Saucier
Certified Technician
Try going through things logicaly before assuming whats at fault. If there is no boot up and no bleeps it is NOT nessessary the motherboard or cpu.
I have had this situaton when I reversed the HDD led connector and the reset switch accidentaly - permanent reset!!!
First thing I do in this situation is remove all leads to HDD's floppy etc including power leads, now will it boot.
If not remove all boards from motherboard except video, now will it boot,
Remove reseat memory or try different module, I have had motherboards that would not boot with some memory modules.
remve and reseat CPU. While the CPU is out does it feel warm or cold, if warm but NOT HOT! then probably ok.
Finally remove the motherboard from the case and try powering up outside case with no connections other than power, no other boards, should beep to say no video, if so processor and mb ok. Rare for CPU to die unless poor heatsinking.

I just wanted to let you know the resolution.....

It was the CPU.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.
well, he says it was the cpu.
I would like to tell all the contributors you did not waste your time...I have the
same problem and will try your suggestions.
However, pls don't rush for feedback as I don't use the failing computer that much.
thanks .
As a point of clarification:

I'm not "SAYING" it was the CPU -- it WAS the CPU.

As an additional point of clarification -- if it was implied in any way (which I don't believe it was) that all of the suggestions made were not appreciated or were "a waste of time" -- that is/was not the case. All of the suggestions made were VERY MUCH appreciated -- one of the great things about a site like this is people's willingness to help others -- which is rare enough these days to demand appreciation.

One last thing: whether or not a suggestion works or not is irrelevent -- sooner or later we all run into situations where the same suggestions DO resolve a problem.....

Once again -- thanks to those of you who took the time.

Whoah! I guess this shows that once in a while we have to check if the fan cooling our CPU's is working fine, or just any other cooling fans inside our PCs.... I had experiences fans cooling my video cards die on me unexpectedly and left me wondering why my computers were having hang-ups and intermittent errors. (lucky?)

btw, if the board was at fault in this problem, try to get a board that shows its working or not "visually", i mean like some boards from MSI that have LEDS blinking to show its doing something, and all RED if its dead...

just a thought =)
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