I am new to Perl and interested in using the BioDas::Lite package, which is
available from CPAN. This lists LWP:arallel::UserAgent as a dependency. I
downloaded ParallelUserAgent-2.57.tar from the CPAN site.
I tried running
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
The tests are stuffing up. The first error message on the DOS screen (one
of many) is: 'pwd' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
The Readme says lib a dependency. PPM says I have installed lib installed. (I have also installed
ActivePerl for Windows.) Some websites say I may need lib Others say v5.814 should be ok. In any case, CPAN only contains downloads back to 5.80.
Any help on how to get PArallelUserAgent to successfully complete the
I am new to Perl and interested in using the BioDas::Lite package, which is
available from CPAN. This lists LWP:arallel::UserAgent as a dependency. I
downloaded ParallelUserAgent-2.57.tar from the CPAN site.
I tried running
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
The tests are stuffing up. The first error message on the DOS screen (one
of many) is: 'pwd' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
The Readme says lib a dependency. PPM says I have installed lib installed. (I have also installed
ActivePerl for Windows.) Some websites say I may need lib Others say v5.814 should be ok. In any case, CPAN only contains downloads back to 5.80.
Any help on how to get PArallelUserAgent to successfully complete the