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Counting the Number of Data Lines Pulled From the Sequel Server 1

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Technical User
Oct 11, 2008
I have a need to have sub routine to count the number of data lines coming from the Sequel Server. Is this a possibility with a sub routine or function in VB?

The actual line you are getting the error on would help. I'll assume for now you are getting it when you first try to use the array "TextBox00.Text = BParams(0, 0)" if that is the case it could be that when passing the array it is converting it. Maybe someone from a multidimensional array to a single or a single that contains a multidimensional array. I'm not 100% sure as I don't work with multidimensional arrays much any more.

They still have their place, but I much prefer other things (collections for example). In case that is the problem pass it as an object rather than an array since an object is passed as is without caring what it actually is.

 Public Sub New(ByVal BParams As [Red]Object[/Red])
        ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
        ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

    End Sub

    Private Sub SetupForm(ByVal BParams As [Red]Object[/Red])
        Dim RowCount As Integer

Try that without changing anything else. Really, I suggest ditching the Array and try the first code I gave you that kept working with the DataTable. Once the data is dumped into a DataTable (which is what you are already doing before you load it into the array) it doesn't matter what is happening to the original table or what permissions effect it. If you kept it bound to the original table then you could have errors. Depending on the size of your table you are just using up time and system resources for no reason. What you are doing doesn't hurt anything (especially if the table is small), but it should be unnecessary.

-I hate Microsoft!
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-My kingdom for a edit button!

I finally got the array problem to work, but I am having problems with an If Statement in moving data from the dynamic control textboxes to another form.

I just do not know how to move data for a two line transaction and get to a three line transaction by the computer falling through the coding.

The Code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString = "2" And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString IsNot DBNull.Value And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then
JVFORMA.Fund1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox00").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Fund2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox00").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox04").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Agency1.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Agency2.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Apr1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox12").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Apr2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox112").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Act1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox12").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Act2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox112").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox08").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox18").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Sub1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox09").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
JVFORMA.Sub2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox19").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
If Me.Controls("TextBox10").Text.ToString.StartsWith("-") Then
JVFORMA.Credit1.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox10").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Credit1.Text = CDbl(Me.Controls("TextBox10").Text.ToString) * -1
JVFORMA.Credit2.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit1.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit2.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox110").Text.ToString

End If

If Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then
JVFORMA.Fund3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox20").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Agency3.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Apr3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox212").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Act3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox212").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox28").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Sub3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox29").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
If Me.Controls("TextBox210").Text.ToString.StartsWith("-") Then
JVFORMA.Credit3.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox210").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Credit3.Text = CDbl(Me.Controls("TextBox210").Text.ToString) * -1
JVFORMA.Credit4.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit3.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox310").Text.ToString
End If
End If
End If

If Me.Controls("TextBox34").Text.ToString = "4" Then
JVFORMA.Fund4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox30").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox34").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Agency4.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Apr4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox312").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Act4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox312").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox38").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Sub4.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox39").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
If Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString.StartsWith("-") Then
JVFORMA.Credit5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Credit5.Text = CDbl(Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString) * -1
JVFORMA.Credit6.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit5.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString
End If
End If

If Me.Controls("TextBox44").Text.ToString = "5" Then
JVFORMA.Fund5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox40").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox44").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Agency5.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Apr5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox412").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Act5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox412").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox48").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Sub5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox49").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
If Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString.StartsWith("-") Then
JVFORMA.Credit5.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Credit5.Text = CDbl(Me.Controls("TextBox410").Text.ToString) * -1
JVFORMA.Credit6.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit5.Text = "0.00"
JVFORMA.Debit6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox510").Text.ToString
End If
End If

If Me.Controls("TextBox54").Text.ToString = "6" Then
JVFORMA.Fund6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox50").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Line6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox54").Text.ToString
JVFORMA.Agency6.Text = "002"
JVFORMA.Apr6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox512").Text.ToString.Substring(1, 3)
JVFORMA.Act6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox512").Text.ToString.Substring(4, 4)
JVFORMA.Obj6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox58").Text.ToString.Substring(0, 4)
JVFORMA.Sub6.Text = Me.Controls("TextBox59").Text.ToString.Substring(3, 2)
End If
End Sub
End Class

The Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString corresponds to a Line Number. If the Line Number is = to 2 it falls thorugh and does the moving of data to the another form, but when I pull a transaction with 3 or 4 lines, I get an error message about it can't find an instance of the object. It won't find an instance because the computer does not know what it is.

I need to write the first IF Statement to handle null data.

If Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString = "2" And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString IsNot DBNull.Value And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then

How can I write the IF Statement to handle Null Data for the Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" The computer does not know what this control is and it is null?

First, get rid of every .ToString as you don't need them or want them. The .Text on a text box is always a string already.

Second, to check a Empty value you do this:

If Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString = "2" And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString [Red]<> ""[/Red] And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then

Third, you are calling TextBox24 twice. It can't be empty and 3 at the same time. And lastly, exactly what line does it error on? The message "can't find an instance of the object" means that what you are trying to use does not exist.

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!

When I try to Pull a Two Line Transaction this error occurs right off the bat with the coding when you have Line 3:

If Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then

Highlighted in Yellow and the error messsage is: Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object.

The Same error occurs when I add coding for a Thirteenth Line and then try to pull a 12 Line Transaction.

I would have to do the Code you suggested on every line would not I?


I get the error message below when I add your coding on Line 2.

If Me.Controls("TextBox14").Text.ToString = "2" And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString <> "" And Me.Controls("TextBox24").Text.ToString = "3" Then

Your coding is highlighted in yellow and the message Object Reference not set to an instance of an object appears.

Well, it is saying that TextBox24 isn't on the form. You should have gotten that error before though.

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!

I guess the error is saying "I do not know".
Any suggestions on how to get around this error with the coding somehow?

Show the current code that builds the form and a screen shot of the form it built.

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!
Of course block out any output on the form you can't show. That isn't important I just need to see the lay out it actually creates.

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!
Private Sub BtnPull_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnPull.Click
Dim AParams As Array
AParams = TestIt()
Dim F6 As New Form6(AParams)

End Sub

End Class

Form6 Coding Builds the New Form called F6:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Printing

Public Class Form6
Public Sub New(ByVal BParams As Array)
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

End Sub

Private Sub SetupForm(ByVal BParams As Array)
Dim RowCount As Integer
Dim r, c, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, y, z As Integer
x1 = 28
x2 = 69
x3 = 115
x4 = 163
x5 = 208
x6 = 263
x7 = 305
x8 = 344
x9 = 400
x10 = 458
x11 = 556
x12 = 650
x13 = 750
y = 42
TextBox00.Text = BParams(0, 0)
TextBox01.Text = BParams(0, 1)
TextBox02.Text = BParams(0, 2)
TextBox03.Text = BParams(0, 3)
TextBox04.Text = BParams(0, 4)
TextBox05.Text = BParams(0, 5)
TextBox06.Text = BParams(0, 6)
TextBox07.Text = BParams(0, 7)
TextBox08.Text = BParams(0, 8)
TextBox09.Text = BParams(0, 9)
TextBox10.Text = BParams(0, 10)
TextBox11.Text = BParams(0, 11)
TextBox12.Text = BParams(0, 12)

RowCount = BParams.GetUpperBound(0)

If RowCount = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For r = 1 To RowCount - 1

z = 0
For c = 0 To 12
z = y + (35 * (r - 1))
Dim tb As New TextBox
With tb
.Name = "TextBox" & r & c
Select Case c ' position coordinates
Case 0
.Location = New Point(x1, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(34, 42)
Case 1
.Location = New Point(x2, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(38, 42)
Case 2
.Location = New Point(x3, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(39, 42)
Case 3
.Location = New Point(x4, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(37, 42)
Case 4
.Location = New Point(x5, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(46, 42)
Case 5
.Location = New Point(x6, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(35, 42)
Case 6
.Location = New Point(x7, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(32, 42)
Case 7
.Location = New Point(x8, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(49, 42)
Case 8
.Location = New Point(x9, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(42, 42)
Case 9
.Location = New Point(x10, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(83, 42)
Case 10
.Location = New Point(x11, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(87, 42)
Case 11
.Location = New Point(x12, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(92, 42)
Case 12
.Location = New Point(x13, z)
.Text = BParams(r, c)
.Size = New Size(92, 42)

End Select

End With

End Sub

I can't send the form results because of the Security Software we have won't let me send anything through the tek tips. The attahcment is being blocked from sending anything. I can send you an attachment by email though, but I need your email address to do so.



I see where we should not give out email addresses. I will print out using Snaggit and send the attachment to me as a pdf file, and try to send it to tek tips. How do you attach something using Tek Tips?

For the pic all you have to do is hit print screen and paste it in ms paint. Then you have to upload it to a location. You could use something free like webshots/photobucket or free website like google sites/geocities. If you don't know how to do that then you are just going to have to explain it real closely.

Also I didn't notice before that code also made new text boxes rather than just repositioned them. I misunderstood what you were doing on that part because of the previous code.

I'll try it blind and if I miss something then we will no choice but the pic.

So just going by numbers you have one row that is pre-created then you add more text boxes so that they would be organized like this:

[Red]00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 112

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 210 211 212[/Red]

So to have a TextBox24 you have to 3 rows of data. The original row already on the form and two created rows. Is that how it is arranged and are you getting the 3 rows?

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!

You are correct! When I pull a transaction from the server with parameters with a Three Lines or rows I get three rows of textboxes which have been named by the computer based on the position in the Array. TextBox24 would be in the third row.

When I try to reference these textboxes on another form, I get object instance errors. The Computer does not know what Textbox24 is on JVFormA when you reference with an If Line Number is = "2", "3", "4" do something. TextBox24 datas
nevers processed and places the data in the textbox assigned on JVFormA.
How can I re-do the code to get around this. I thought I might could start with Line Number 100 and work backward. But i still get the object instance error.

I just hope I can reference the textboxes on the same form. Do you know if I will have a problem with this. At least I can get the 21 rows maybe to do 21 lines and write them out. i never will have 21 lines at any one time, but at the end of the year I could have up to 100 lines. At the end of 2008, I had 78 lines.

Also, If I have 78 lines you would go off the page and not have the textboxes shown. The form can only be so large.
I just hope I could write out 78 lines with the referenced boxes without them showing on the form.



You are right! There are three rows or lines with textboxes drawn and created with this numbering scheme based on the Array. A transaction with three lines would have three lines or rows of textboxes created. Yes, I get all lines to show on Form6 based on the pamameters entered in. The problem is I can reference these textboxes on another form such as JVFORMA. I get object Instance error because the computer does not know what TextBox24 is on Form6. When I place a button on Form6 to move data from the textboxes on Form6, I get can not find the instance of the object.

Do you think I can even reference the textboxes on the same form? I need to have a button to writeout whats in the textboxes to a text file. I know 78 lines would go off the form. Do you know if i could reference say row60, 70, and so forth to write out lines to a textfile from the same form?

First, if you try to access TextBox24 on form6 from another form then unless you did something special it will fail. This for example is incorrect if used on JVFORMA:
JVFORMA.Line3.Text = Form6.Controls("TextBox24").Text
That is because Form6 only has text boxes 0 to 12 and will always only have text boxes 0 to 12. When you create a new instance it is a new form. It may still be called Form6, but it is no longer form6. We will come back to that. One thing at a time.

Back to the button I assume was on form6. Now, do you only .Show JVFORMA or are you creating a new instance some where like you did for form6?
Dim F6 As New Form6(AParams)

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!
Sorwen, I only .show JVFormA.
Do you know something special I could do so as to reference these somehow?

No I am not creating a new instance somewhere else. I might need to for Lines 13 through 26, and 27 through 39 and so on to have 12 lines per page. Is it possible to create a new instance of form like that and get additional textboxes that way?

The way it is now I can only use F6 when all of the boxes build and populate and reference when the boxes are created and populated. I may have this wrong in my mind. Do you know how I can do this program and get what I need? Do I need to create a new intance of a form like I did here?

F6 can have up to 100 lines, the problem I am running out of space on the form to see the textboxes built and populated. I can write out everything from this f6 instance I believe. Not sure though? I have not tried it yet.

dataman86, you seem to be making this very complicated - surely a DataGridView would provide all the functionality you need and be easier for both you to develop with and your users to work with.

RiverGuy suggested this (in one of your related threads - thread796-1523569), where in his reply dated 12 Jan 09 13:17, he provided a worked example of using a DataGridView.
I'm not really sure what is going on. Something is misused or misnamed some where. Like I said that error says the control TextBox24 does not exist. You can try doing this so you can check the names.

Change the ending code to look like this:
               Case 12
                            .Location = New Point(x13, z)
                            .Text = BParams(r, c)
                            .Size = New Size(92, 42)

                    End Select

                End With
                [RED]AddHandler tb.click, AddressOf tb_Click[/RED]

    End Sub

    [Red]Public Sub tb_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    End Sub[/Red]
What that will do is pop-up a message box with the text boxes name when you click on the text box. You could switch it to change the text of a label if you rather. At least we will know if the tb are actually named right or if some how they are not.

-I hate Microsoft!
-Forever and always forward.
-My kingdom for a edit button!

I had a new idea last night at home about this problem. Create a Base Form I call Base. I am pulling all of my lines for any transaction into the array with the Pull.VB Coding I will indicate below: I need to do everything inside this program at the same time.
Rather than move data to another form just create a new form of a form on the fly to hold just 12 lines at a time.
Dim F1 As New Form Base as First New Form, then Dim F2 As New Form Base as Second New Form and so on. Do a calculation to determine the number of 12 line pages you will need based on the row count. RowCount 96 Lines Divided by 12 would give you 8 new forms you need created on the fly an so on.
If Row Count is 96 lines coming with the pull.vb Coding, use a For Next Loop to count through a do one form page at a time with 12 lines, then total the debits and credits on the first 12 lines (0 through 11) and then make the form page invisible. F1 would be invisible and in memory
When the program loops through, next pull lines 12 through 24 and place in New Form F2 and so on until you have all of your data in 8 new form pages. When you have all the 8 new form pages, you can write out the entire file to text. You could have a button o each F1 through F8 being Next Form.

Can this be done in the coding below: I just do not know how to setup the for next loop to do it? I have all of my data, I just need to be able to place the data with 12 lines each on every page of a form with totals and then Grand Total the Last Page. You see the account type will have to be entered in by user manually. So the user would have to enter account type manually for Lines 1 through 12 on the first form, as it is showed from being invisible, and then they would have to enter Account Types for lines 12 through 24. Does this make sense?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Pull
Private Function TestIt() As Array

Dim sParm As String = Chr(39) & Me.TextBox1.Text.ToString & Chr(39)
Dim tParm As String = Chr(39) & Me.TextBox2.Text.ToString & Chr(39)
Dim uParm As String = Chr(39) & Me.TextBox3.Text.ToString & Chr(39)
Dim vParm As String = Chr(39) & Me.TextBox4.Text.ToString & Chr(39)
Dim wParm As String = Chr(39) & Me.TextBox5.Text.ToString & Chr(39)
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=; " & _
"Initial Catalog=PROD; " & _
"Persist Security Info=True; " & _
"User ID=lawson; " & _

Dim oCn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim oCm As New SqlCommand(sSQL, oCn)
oCm.CommandType = CommandType.Text

Dim oDa As New SqlDataAdapter(oCm)
Dim oTable As New DataTable()

Dim MyDataReader As SqlDataReader = oCm.ExecuteReader()
Dim iLvalue As Integer
Dim iRows As Integer = oTable.Rows.Count

Dim sParams(iRows, 12) As String
With MyDataReader
If .HasRows Then
While .Read()
sParams(iLvalue, 0) = .GetValue(0).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 1) = .GetValue(1).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 2) = .GetValue(2).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 3) = .GetValue(3).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 4) = .GetValue(4).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 5) = .GetValue(5).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 6) = .GetValue(6).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 7) = .GetValue(7).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 8) = .GetValue(8).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 9) = .GetValue(9).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 10) = .GetValue(10).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 11) = .GetValue(11).ToString()
sParams(iLvalue, 12) = .GetValue(12).ToString()
iLvalue += 1
End While
End If
End With

iLvalue = 0
Dim SName As String = "TextBox.Text"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 12
Dim TName As String = SName & CStr(iLvalue) & CStr(i)

For iLvalue = 0 To iRows - 1
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 0)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 1)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 2)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 3)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 4)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 5)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 6)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 7)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 8)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 9)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 10)
TName = sParams(iLvalue, 11)

Return sParams
End Function
Private Sub BtnPull_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnPull.Click
Dim AParams As Array
AParams = TestIt()
Dim F6 As New Form6(AParams)

End Sub

End Class

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