Im trying to make a user online counter (to count everyone viewing the site). Im a new to sql so obviously having trouble with things. In the internet database Im using a tabel called PPLONLINE with a field again called PPLONLINE. All I seem to be getting is -1 for a value even though there is alot. Can someone help me out?
Im trying to make a user online counter (to count everyone viewing the site). Im a new to sql so obviously having trouble with things. In the internet database Im using a tabel called PPLONLINE with a field again called PPLONLINE. All I seem to be getting is -1 for a value even though there is alot. Can someone help me out?
DataSource = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};
DBQ=" & site_root & "interdata/internet.mdb" & ";"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select COUNT(PPLONLINE) from PPLONLINE"
rs.Open sql, DataSource
NumberOfPplOnline = rs.RecordCount
Set rs= nothing