[blue]select count(*) from ( [/blue]
SELECT DISTINCT [Registration AACO 2007].State
FROM [Registration AACO 2007]
GROUP BY [Registration AACO 2007].State
So if I then wanted to add the field [aapfco] to the mix, which is a yes/no field and I want to see how many records marked 'yes' in [aapfco] and what is the count of those marked yes in terms of the different states.
So if I have a record with the state = Ohio and the [aapfco] field marked yes, and another record with the State Michigan and the [aapfco] field marked yes, I want my query to show:
Michigan 1
Ohio 1
I tried this but it is not working:
SELECT Count(*)
FROM ([Select Distinct [registration aaco 2007].[state]
FROM [registration aaco 2007]
WHERE [aapfco]= yes]
GROUP BY [state], [aapfco]);
So my user tells me thats still what is needed. Instead of the way its showing, they need to see for those marked YES for AAPFCO, the COUNT of number of different states. So in the previous example, we need a query to return a State count of 2
select count(*) from (
SELECT DISTINCT [Registration AACO 2007].State
FROM [Registration AACO 2007]
GROUP BY [Registration AACO 2007].State
WHERE [registration aaco 2007].[aapfco]=yes);
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