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count the number of download

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Technical User
Jul 7, 2000
I'd like to count and send the result of the total download to an Access DB each time someone download something on a page.
U have to create an page witch automatically download the file and before increment the database counter... ________
George, M
Thank and could you please explain in details or give some example for this case

Anyway, I'll try with WSH as you advise above
Thank in advance

I had this query a few months ago...although this solution isn't ASP and doesn't log the # of clickthroughs to a DB, it works just as well (actually, if you're savvy enough you could just re-write the same thing in VBScript and use it for ASP). CLICKCOUNT is a very simple and free Perl script which does provide a very easy-to-understand method of tracking clicks on a given link. For example, I use this to see how many people click on my hyperlink to watch a streaming video presentation I put online. I also use this to track how many times people click on banner ads.

It registers clicks in a text file, which you can then view privately.

Go to:
...and download the "clickcount.pl" source code and have fun!

Thanks everybody. You helped a lot. I found a good code at It works great but there is a stange pb. When you replace your url by a PDF file from your directory, you'll get more records than the click. For instance, if I click once, instead of having one record in the db, I'll get 3 or 4 record total. Any idea?
It does that only with pdf files.

Here it is
<%' Check to see if there is any input
' if not display the form for input
<form action=&quot;<%= request.servervariables(&quot;script_name&quot;)%>&quot; method=&quot;post&quot;>
<input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;View&quot;>
<% if u_input <> &quot;&quot; then %>
Clicks by
<% else %>
Select a Report
<% end if %>

<select size=&quot;1&quot; name=&quot;u_input&quot;>
<option <% if u_input=&quot;URL&quot; then response.write &quot;selected &quot; end if %>value=&quot;URL&quot;>URL</option>
<option <% if u_input=&quot;Day&quot; then response.write &quot;selected &quot; end if %>value=&quot;Day&quot;>Day</option>
<option <% if u_input=&quot;Month&quot; then response.write &quot;selected &quot; end if %>value=&quot;Month&quot;>Month</option>
<option <% if u_input=&quot;IP&quot; then response.write &quot;selected &quot; end if %>value=&quot;IP&quot;>IP</option>

<%' When there is input display the data
if u_input <> &quot;&quot; then

' Name of the Access db

' Connection to the db
cn=&quot;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};&quot;
cn=cn & &quot;DBQ=&quot; & server.mappath(accessdb)

' Create a server record set object
set rs = server.createobject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)

sql = &quot;Clicks_by_&quot; & u_input

' Execute the sql
rs.Open sql, cn

<table border=3 align=center>
<% ' Write out all the elements requested in the
' sql statement as table headers
for each element in rs.fields%>
<th><%= ucase(element.name) %></th>
<% next
' End table headers %>
<% ' Write out all the values in the record
do while not rs.eof
for each element in rs.fields %>
<td align=left><%= rs(element.name) %></td>
' end of record %>
<% ' Move to the next record
' Loop to the beginning

<% end if 'End check for user input %>
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