Delphi 7 and Codebase 6.5
We are doing a standard RecordLock ... UnLockRecord
and for some reason when the program is hitting the UnLockRecord it is giving us the Could not flush record (-120)... now codebase says that -120 is Writing Error not enough disk space, but our drive has over 8gigs free.
We have multiple areas where we are doing the same procedure (to other databases) but we have never had a problems (knock on wood) with those procedures...
Any suggestions?
We are doing a standard RecordLock ... UnLockRecord
and for some reason when the program is hitting the UnLockRecord it is giving us the Could not flush record (-120)... now codebase says that -120 is Writing Error not enough disk space, but our drive has over 8gigs free.
We have multiple areas where we are doing the same procedure (to other databases) but we have never had a problems (knock on wood) with those procedures...
Any suggestions?