Crystal 10, Oracle 10g.
I've been running into some trouble with a report of some complexity that seems to have become corrupt. The preview looks fine but the export to excel shows IDs repeating and filling into cells below that should be blank. I got a 'crw32 has encountered a problem and needs to close' error. When I logged back in the latest version I could find was 3 hours old though I'd been saving all along.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Crystal but the problems persist with this rpt. I have a suspicion that stopping a report while it is in the process of refreshing may be the source of report corruption. Is there a safe way to stop a report other than the stop button? Is there some other common cause for these kinds of unexplainable problems?
I've been running into some trouble with a report of some complexity that seems to have become corrupt. The preview looks fine but the export to excel shows IDs repeating and filling into cells below that should be blank. I got a 'crw32 has encountered a problem and needs to close' error. When I logged back in the latest version I could find was 3 hours old though I'd been saving all along.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Crystal but the problems persist with this rpt. I have a suspicion that stopping a report while it is in the process of refreshing may be the source of report corruption. Is there a safe way to stop a report other than the stop button? Is there some other common cause for these kinds of unexplainable problems?