I work in an educational institute and have 200+ PC's running NT 4 Workstation. I have created a disk image by building one PC. I have logged on this PC using all student logon usernames. This has created local user profiles so that when a student logs on all the right icons and mapped drives appear. This has been working like a dream for nearly a year in conjuction with security software call outs have been drastacally reduced. BUT recently our Servers have been rebuilt (not by me!, they were completely re-formatted) and sincethen the LOCAL user profiles do not work. If you log on to a PC under any username (except administrator) you get the same shortcuts as any other username. Similarly if you create a shortcut e.g. to a network drive on the desktop it appears for every user. It also stores these additional shortcuts in the wrong path - c:\winnt\desktop instead of c:\winnt\profiles\%username%. This NEVER happened before and is really annoying! Anybody have any ideas? It's got me!